for me and tailsgirl
Thursday, January 15, 2009 by Vampothika | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
this post is for just me and talk about anything.......just me and her.......
...i finally have a friend!! (watch me smother her to death and scare her off! LOL) .....nahhhhhhhhh we both rock!!!
Reply #2 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:08 AM
and you could never scare me away! I luv ya too much
I got my curtains from St Vinnies , it's almost black now, it WAS white, and my cat shredded it
Kitty, where can I buy a good voodoo doll?
Reply #3 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:14 AM
ohh man yr a vinnies girl too????????????// me tooo, and life line, ect, i luv them get some great bargins hey?
last week i went to chermside with my daughter and she told me there was this shop there that i would luv called 'the tree of life', i sort of hummed and harred about it thinking id hate it.....sure enough as soon as i saw it, i was in love, it was one of those stores where you wished you could buy every single thing in it, it was kinda indian, gypsy.....i had a blast!! and overspent big time.
hmm.....voodoo doll? lemme check it out, and ill git back to you.
ps: last week i cut my hair and gave myself a fringe.......I HATE IT, now i have to resort to hair gell and hair clips until it grows out......yeah im kicking myself stupid.......grrrrr
Reply #4 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:24 AM
LOL I'm always cutting my fringe, and doing the gel thing haven't for a while though..
I love the stuff at St Vinnies, where else can you find good leopard skin stuff these days
There was this shop called the 'Witches Closet', but it's gone now, and it had the most awesome stuff, kinda like what you mentioned, all gothic, wiccan stuff, mad jewelry and all that.. wish it was still there.. then again, I'd have to leave the house to get there
Reply #5 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:27 AM
do you wear a pentagram star necklace?? i do......i love it, its like my prized possession, and im always on ebay buying cheap jewellery, like 3 dollar rings.....i recently bought a hello kitty ring, but i gave it to my daughter... now im just buying dvds again, cause i gotta upgrade my collection, ive seen them all..........
im nuts about wiccan stuff........and im nuts about insence......i cant go through the day without lighting one first thing in the morning,....and during the day....its soo calming and sooothing to my soul and senses........i luv it, specially nag champa....yummers.......
yeah leopard skin stuff rocks.........hahah. im always trying to find gypsy kind of stuff or cheap shoes, im normally lucky and can sometimes pick up wicked shoes........ ps, i used to also do the council pick ups......every done one of them? i have gotton so much awsome stuff from those!!
Reply #6 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:28 AM
see you in the morning!! xxx im getting tired....... yeah what a party pooper....... xx luv me.
Reply #7 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:34 AM
I had a pentagram tattooed on my left hand middle finger, but I got it removed, but I love them, I've got a few different ones, one I hooked on to an earring, and one as a necklace
I use to make my own incense cones, but getting a hold of 'Salt Peter' isn't easy [you need that to spark it off] luckily, my cousin was a chemist [when he was alive..]
I found a brand new toilet seat on a counci pick-up years ago, still in it's box thingy, or I wouldn't have grabbed it I lived in a cabin with no electricity at the time, but I didn't have to pay rent, and it was the only place I could find that would let me have my German Shepherd [R.I.P Shaitan buddy!
] and all the cats I had back then 20 years ago, whoa, time flies
anyway, our toilet was literally a hole in the ground, with a chair over it, and that new dunny seat from the council pick-up
Nite my friend, have a good one, and sweet dreams
Reply #8 Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:06 AM
Hey girls may I join in, I would like to say that you girls rock
Reply #9 Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:37 AM
Sure thing mrs starkers, and you rock too!!!! what you been up to? photoshopping hehe
Reply #10 Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:38 AM
Oh... This room was taken.... I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone.
Reply #12 Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:48 AM
Yeah and having fun trying to find some wicked pictures lol I was thinking of puting up a thread and calling it pick your face lol what ya think? being that we like puting other peoples faces on funny pictures hehehe.
Reply #14 Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:44 AM
We don't like you , we love you ...... I am sooo happy starkers and I just got word, my daughter has just gone into labur and I am waiting for my new grandson to arrive
Reply #15 Thursday, January 15, 2009 12:44 PM
Knock-knock-knock. HEY LADIES! I know you meant to invite me, too, but you know that I need my beauty rest or I'm unliveable. So, Tailsgirl, you have a problem getting salt peter. We have this awesome little shop in Orlando, Florida, you would like, that sells it. Avalon:
I don't have a pentagram necklace but I do have a silver Aztec calendar ring handmade in Mexico. For the most part, though, my taste in decor and dress is classic Greco-Roman. I think it would be terrific if the toga came back into style.
One day I got this decorating catalogue in the mail, called "Hearth and Plow" and announced to everybody in the house that I have NO idea where they got my name because my interior design style is more "Funeral Home and Museum" (I don't like to put away the Halloween gargoyles until after Valentines day).
Reply #17 Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:16 PM
maybe its because he has'nt been in here yet lol
Reply #18 Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:19 PM
Congrats!! Granny Starkers!!
Reply #20 Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:02 PM
Hi girls, you having a pajama party?
I brought the popcorn. Did I miss the pillow fight?
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Reply #1 Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:00 AM
(me at tailsgirls house) like your curtains......where did you buy them? wonderland?