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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 by BigDogBigFeet | Discussion: Community

Well in case anyone wondered what happened to me, I'm experiencing the economic miracle of free markets and democracy namely prolonged unemployment.  I don't think this will change anytime soon, but I will try and say hi now and then.  In the mean time it's homeless USA for me so, until that changes I won't be around much.

I am doing what I can to address this inconvenience and have some plans that might work, mainly overeating and farting alot, people tend to notice me more that way.  Please send Beano for my job interview when I get one, I'll need it.  In the mean time keep this place going until I can get back.  Hugs all around, later.  

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Reply #1 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:06 PM

Always great to find out someone isn't dead


Good luck, hope you get back on ur (Big) feet

Reply #2 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:13 PM

Thanks v!  I sure hope our Congress passes a good jobs bill.

Reply #3 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:17 PM

Good luck buddy

Reply #4 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:20 PM

I sure hope our Congress passes a good jobs bill.
I don't whether to hug you or beat you silly. 


Hope it gets better soon. 

What do you do?  What are you looking to do?

Reply #5 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:37 PM

Wishing you the very best during this down time!  Good luck to you!

Reply #6 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:34 PM

Thanks for the good wishes everyone.

What do you do? What are you looking to do?

It's a long story.  Right now I'm having to deal with some health concerns.  I'm a Vet so I've been heading to my local VA hospital for that.  It's a slow process though.

I have a BS in Business Statistics Information Services and minor in Finance.  I also have a Masters in Finance and Economics.  I've worked in several capacities including financial analysis, contract nogotiations, equipment leasing, cash management but that was years ago when first out of school.  America has a way of shoving people down economically through a lack of job creation.  My last job was updating database records and reconciling capitation claims payments for the Public Healthcare system in Wi.

So what am I looking to do?, something in line with my skills.


Reply #7 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:52 PM

Good luck, BDBF.

You know, that fella who stood with a poster board on got a job....if the regular stuff isn't working, time to change what you're doing.

Reply #8 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:28 PM

Apparently you need to marry someone who is already well established in their field.  That's what my spouse did, and it's working for him this long....he hasn't had a real job in two years.  I pointed him to McFlorida.com today and told him the local McDonalds is hiring crews--and he's just that desperate enough that he filled out the application.  Of course, I can't stand over his shoulder and make him say the right things if they call him for an interview (which may be how he's gotten along this far without a job).  

Anyway, as the working spouse, and the one in the family with all the responsibility, to say I'm bitter is an understatement.  Some nights I ruminate on whether if I HAD the money for a divorce, could I/would I actually go through with it?  Right after that I start ruminating on if I HAD the money to put my dog down because I'm having a difficult time keeping her fed and cared for, would I/could I?  (I love the dog to death, and there are days when she's the only thing in the world that can bring me out of my funk, but its a recurrent expense).

So, I'm here to show you the bright side of your current life!  You're not married to a shrew like me who would be dreaming up "Plan B" for if/when things get even worse, and we have to resort to eating the neighbor's pets.

Reply #9 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:30 PM

Sorry BigDog, it takes a doctorate to get a job at Wal-Mart here in central Florida these days.  Just kidding, but if it keeps going like this.............?

Hope things work out for you very soon, and please keep us informed.

Reply #10 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:32 PM

America has a way of shoving people down economically through a lack of job creation.
Calling a bullshit.   Sometimes people think the constitution grants them happiness instead of the right to pursue happiness.

The power of America is folks like youself getting off their ass and filling some need.  I believe that if you work it, you can achieve it . . yes, I mean you specifically BDBF! 

As a vet, have you looks at Iraq?  Lots of jobs, lots of money and you may have a valuable skill set.


Reply #11 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:36 PM


So, I'm here to show you the bright side of your current life!  You're not married to a shrew like me who would be dreaming up "Plan B" for if/when things get even worse, and we have to resort to eating the neighbor's pets.

  <-- Dinner is served, Karen!

Reply #12 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:53 PM

As a vet, have you looks at Iraq?  Lots of jobs, lots of money and you may have a valuable skill set.

You're kidding, right?  Please tell me you're kidding.  Because I would consider a life of crime LONG before I considered working in Iraq right now.  Sure...lots of jobs, lots of money (you know who is paying for those jobs right now?  The United States...we have JUST as much infrastructure that needs upgrading right HERE...why are we paying for Iraq's crap when their government is running surplus?)...and LOTS OF RISK!  There's the same amount of risk taking a job in Iraq as their is running drugs on the black market here (only you won't get called an infidel and perhaps get decapitated if you annoy the wrong person here) AND you get to stay close to your friends and family.

Reply #13 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:19 PM

You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding. Because I would consider a life of crime LONG before I considered working in Iraq right now. Sure...lots of jobs, lots of money (you know who is paying for those jobs right now? The United States...we have JUST as much infrastructure that needs upgrading right HERE...why are we paying for Iraq's crap when their government is running surplus?)...and LOTS OF RISK! There's the same amount of risk taking a job in Iraq as their is running drugs on the black market here (only you won't get called an infidel and perhaps get decapitated if you annoy the wrong person here) AND you get to stay close to your friends and family.
My mother is a contractor in Iraq.  Has been for two years.  She has had a persoanl hand in improving the quality of life there for thousands of people.

Speak of which you know, not what you are told.

Reply #14 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:31 PM

Speak of which you know, not what you are told.

My son was a soldier fighting near Baghdad until last April, so I KNOW about as much as you do of Iraq (both of us had close relatives who informed us of what takes place).  From what he told me about it...I would rather run drugs on the black market here (and I have known people who have run drugs on the black market here, so it's not like I'm just imaging what that life would be like, either).  Where, in Iraq, is your mother a contractor and with whom?

Reply #15 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:33 PM

Have You thought about looking into any City or State Government jobs??? 

I don't know if this would be up Your alley.........Link

Another Link

Good luck!

Reply #16 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:03 PM

Welcome Back BDBF. I hope things get better for you.



Reply #17 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:12 PM

Where, in Iraq, is your mother a contractor and with whom?
Camp Victory.  She's contracted though a company called Leonie.

Apologies for jumping to conclusions.  Like Obi Wan said, ". . . you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." 

Reply #18 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:22 PM

BDBF...good to hear from you...may you have focus and direction.

Reply #19 Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:43 PM

Where, in Iraq, is your mother a contractor and with whom?Camp Victory.  She's contracted though a company called Leonie.

Apologies for jumping to conclusions.  Like Obi Wan said, ". . . you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." 

Ain't THAT the truth!  (Obi Wan in 2012!)

Reply #20 Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:09 PM

Calling a bullshit. Sometimes people think the constitution grants them happiness instead of the right to pursue happiness.

Sorry Zubaz I stand by what I said.  Recently, America has been losing jobs to China.  In prior years, America lost significant numbers of jobs in Steel, Oil, Electronics, Autos, Shipping and Airlines etc. and job loss trends have continued.  Underemployment is quite common in the US.

When I first started at the most recent company I worked at it was for a small hourly pay rate but, they did have fair health insurance a small deductible with co-pays for common items like physicals and tests.  In three years time, the health plan was changed each year greatly reducing benefits to the point in the last year it was a $2500 deductible with no co-pays.  Income erosion is what I experienced over those three years.  Flat wages and high price inflation on everything. 

I call America's job plan for the common man: work until you drop dead retirement plan and the don't get sick health plan.

In any case, I have to first address some health concerns I have with the VA which will take months.  I will also likely find some amount of below poverty level economic support from them. 

You wouldn't want my struggles or living conditions.  Tonight for example I will have to walk approximately 2 miles carry 30 lbs in belongings on my back in temperatures of about -10F (below 0) with winds gusting to 20 mph.  Brutal cold.  It gets especially rough when so many people do not clear their sidewalks.  I end up walking in the street facing on coming traffic( I climb up into large snow banks to avoid being hit).

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