Subscription Drive Blues?

Monday, January 12, 2009 by PoSmedley | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

 Are you watching that little themometer on the front page? Are you watching how slowly it's progressing? We're almost half way through the month, ya know.

 I've seen some folks posting, saying that they are subscribed until 2020 . (Which is silly, when everyone knows the world is going to end in 2012, but I digest) Well, you shouldn't think there is nothing you can do. You went that far, right? SO what is one or two more extra years. (I was only joking about the 2012 thing...I think we're all good until 2031. At least that's what the little man who lives in my thumb tells me.)

 What I am trying to say is this. You subscribed for a reason. Presumably it was many reasons and all good. Most of you probably even did so without being under the influence of alcohol or mind altering druggggg gg gs. You liked the site. You liked everything about it enough to shell out whatever you could dig out of your kids piggy bank, you're wife's slush fund, or your momma's nest egg. Well, you...YOU can help preserve some of what you liked about the site and assist in keeping it a 'community' oriented site as opposed to a 'commercial' site as has been layed out by Brad. 

 And there are lots of ways you can do this. Like I mentioned, add on to what you already have accumulated in your subscription. Force Brad to keep it going until 2069. (The little man that lives in my thumb says it's possible) Maybe you plan to rejoin with the mothership in 2015? No worries. Buy a subscription for the subordinate that you designate to stay behind!

You can buy a subscription for the future skinners in your family! Honestly, it's a cold hard world out there. DO you really want to send them off to college and life after that when they can sit in the safety of your home...forever...and skin with you while you both eat Cherry Garcia and watch House between skins? Don't let these Kodak moments get away from you!

By a subscription for your spouse! Do it! The wives need to back off the reality shows and as for the husbands...Baseball is all but dead and the SPike channel sucks, they just don't know it yet.

Buy a subscription for your boss! Then, when he's hooked, he can't get on you about all the time YOU spend on the site.

C'mon folks! You gotta use your noggins! Buy a subscription for Uncle Bernie who keeps sending you all that  'PLEASE READ' and "MUST READ" crap email, sometimes 16 of them a day. Get him hooked on Wincustomize!

Whatever you do, just don't think because you're subscribed for the next decade that you can't do any more. You can! Go another decade!!!!

Help to keep the site community oriented!!!!

Of course, if you're not comfortable buying a subscription for your spouse or boss...if you feel adding another year to your own subscription is just to capitalistic or someone might point at you and say that it's just overkill, I am willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and offer my services as a recipiant of a subscription. Yes, that's right. I have purposely let mine lapse, just so I can take the burden from you, brothers and sisters. You can buy me a subscription.  Any one who wants to. All of you who just can't decide how you can help preserve the Community that is Wincustomize. Don't worry. You can't hurt me or offend me by buying me a subscription. And don't think that because someone else may have already bought me one that means you still can't. I'm willing to take on as many subscriptions as I need to, to help as many of you as I can. So just subscribe away. I can handle it. I'm your Po'. I'm here for you.  I WANT to do this for YOU. SO go ahead...anyone...ALL of your Po' a subscription. DO it now.  Help keep Wincustomize 'community' oriented.

You don't even need to thank me. You can do it anonymously. It will be our little secret. I'll stand in the fire with you. I'll take that bullet.

Preserve what you have subscribed to for the next year or ten years. Subscribe now!


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Reply #1 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:08 PM

  Po you are sooooooooooooooooo good and I would buy you a sub in a heartbeat, but this time, the very first time, I can not even buy my own, at least for a couple months ....but by then I'm sure I can buy one for you also!!!!

Reply #2 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:10 PM

i will be buying a subscription for my mum and girlfriend. Not that they need it but i want to do my bit to help. I have also been thinking of buying another one and giving it away in some sort of contest, but i have to think up something good first.

hmmmm Maybe who eats the grossest thing, or funniest place someone has ever had sex or wierdest thing someone has ever had sex with???.

Reply #3 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:10 PM

You're the best Po!

Reply #4 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:16 PM

but this time, the very first time, I can not even buy my own

Don't be so modest. You've done what I did and let it lapse on purpose in order to help out some poor soul who doesn't have the heart to add another year to their own scription but wants to help the site! Bravo! Bravo!

Reply #5 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:17 PM

Maybe who eats the grossest thing, or funniest place someone has ever had sex or wierdest thing someone has ever had sex with???.

OOOH! I'm about to win three subscriptions!!!!!

Chocolate covered fried liver

standing up in a hammock at the church social

uh...chocolate covered fried liver

Reply #6 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:23 PM

Superb writing my friend... some funny shit.

Reply #7 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:25 PM

I too have let mine run out...its been months

Reply #8 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:30 PM

I too have let mine run out...its been months

Here ya go! Someone buy him one so I don't have to see his freakin comments in MY post any more. See how much good you can do!?!?!?! Buy skinhit a script and ban him from my post! Make him go away, for me...your Po! I am the skinner's Po'! The peoples Po'! Show your love for your Po' and buy skintwit a script!!!!!

Reply #9 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:34 PM

Po, kill your lifetime subscription to Playboy, and you can fund this entire operation

Reply #10 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:39 PM

Po, kill your lifetime subscription to Playboy


You underestimate my deviante'...deviantousness...devianishness.....whatever.

I like the hard stuff. I read the unedited versions of Highlights.

Reply #11 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:40 PM


Reply #12 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:41 PM

unedited versions of Highlights.

Now were talking!

Reply #13 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:47 PM

*Thinks of all the $$ I wasted on Guns & Ammo .. Oh and the magazine as well *

Reply #14 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:51 PM

Oh and the magazine as well

you got extra Clips? how big 15 rounds?.. oh wait you mean the reading one..

Reply #15 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:53 PM

Now were talking!

I have the one where Goofus totally skeezes on Gallants mom and then plants a dime bag in his locker.


*Buy skinhit a script and get him outta my thread!!!!

Reply #16 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:54 PM

I is to po to buys use a sciptshun po'. 

Reply #17 Monday, January 12, 2009 9:56 PM

Nah HG, 15 rounds it is

How I miss that little rifle.. and the shotgun, and the other rifles, and other shotgun, and 1 semi auto

Would you believe, I sold them to a cop!


Hey Brick, you sound like this pimp I met once

Reply #18 Monday, January 12, 2009 10:02 PM

Don't be so modest. You've done what I did and let it lapse on purpose in order to help out some poor soul who doesn't have the heart to add another year to their own scription but wants to help the site! Bravo! Bravo!


Chocolate covered fried liver
  You used that twice, can't you think of something else?


Thinks of all the $$ I wasted on Guns & Ammo
  anything to do with Chucky?


Now were talking!
  Ever read the unedited version of Cricket?

Reply #19 Monday, January 12, 2009 10:09 PM

You used that twice, can't you think of something else?

are you suggesting I lie? After I pour my heart and soul out and sacrifice myself so YOU to can enjoy Wincustomize as a community and not another commercial piece of web realty?

I'm...I'm hurt. Quick, someone buy me a script so I know it is all not in vane!


Reply #20 Monday, January 12, 2009 10:13 PM

Nah teddy, had the guns LONG before the Chucky doll, thank f* for that *is still missing a butcher knife*

Po, if you want a REALLY good read, try the phone book, it rocks!

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