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Friday, September 5, 2008 by NightTrainthedark | Discussion: Community

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Reply #1 Friday, September 5, 2008 11:35 AM

Oh, I though you were leaving.

Reply #2 Friday, September 5, 2008 11:43 AM

Although it was designed to answer the fundamental questions of life, some people have claimed that it could end up destroying the entire cosmos.


Retards.  Some people have nothing better to do than find something to complain about.

Reply #3 Friday, September 5, 2008 11:49 AM

Dang, no edit button!

It amazes me that for all the new technology and the advances in aciences and society in general that there will always be a small group still wearing the animal fur standing around the fire pointing and maing wierd sounds.

We can't provide health care, we can't feed everyone or provide shelter and safety but we can tax people and use valuable time to figure out the "big bang theroy" when all you have to do is watch the TV program.

Reply #4 Friday, September 5, 2008 12:15 PM


I didn't even read past the second sentence, but...this'd make a nice wallpaper...

mike b1954
Reply #5 Friday, September 5, 2008 12:43 PM

You would think they would have summat better to do ... 

( So it's official then ... The end of the internet, as well ?  ) 

Reply #6 Friday, September 5, 2008 1:23 PM

I didn't even read past the second sentence, but...this'd make a nice wallpaper...

Absolutely right!

So is there really a chance that the scientists have made a terrible miscalculation and that their new toy could inadvertently kill us all?

Well, all I can hope for is that they didn't screw up the decimal points!

As for the rest?

Some people have nothing better to do than find something to complain about.

Too right! Now, gimme dem fish!

And if they goofed with those decimal points:

I.R. Brainiac
Reply #7 Friday, September 5, 2008 1:44 PM

Despite the low probability of something that drastic happening as a result of a mishap,there is always the very real possibility when the reason you are performing such an experiment is that you dont KNOW what will happen...thats why they are doing it.

Someday experiments like this will be carried out in space or on the moon where Earth would be in no danger.Even if a blackhole was formed and swallowed up the moon,we would still have tides and the earths orbit,tilt and spin would be unaffected...we would just have a blackhole of equal mass to the moon orbiting the Earth.

No more moonlit nights tho.

Reply #8 Friday, September 5, 2008 1:50 PM

50/50 chance.

Either we do, or we don't

Reply #9 Friday, September 5, 2008 1:55 PM

Oh, I though you were leaving.

OK - that was funny!!!

Reply #10 Friday, September 5, 2008 2:11 PM

so this thing gets turned on next wednesday, I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about it on cnn, considering it is the largest & most expensive man-made machine ever built in history. 

Simulating the big bang sounds interesting, I guess the big bang theory is no longer a theory.  Hope they use ear protection, probably a little loud during the big bang part of the simulation... LOL!

Reply #11 Friday, September 5, 2008 2:13 PM

Despite the low probability of something that drastic happening as a result of a mishap,there is always the very real possibility when the reason you are performing such an experiment is that you dont KNOW what will happen...thats why they are doing it. Someday experiments like this will be carried out in space or on the moon where Earth would be in no danger.Even if a blackhole was formed and swallowed up the moon,we would still have tides and the earths orbit,tilt and spin would be unaffected...we would just have a blackhole of equal mass to the moon orbiting the Earth. No more moonlit nights tho.

Just a blackhole of equal mass to the moon... JUST?!  Wouldn't that have some negative effects?

Reply #12 Friday, September 5, 2008 2:25 PM

A very interesting read, thanks NT!

I.R. Brainiac
Reply #13 Friday, September 5, 2008 4:21 PM

Just a blackhole of equal mass to the moon... JUST?! Wouldn't that have some negative effects?

No...things would just go on as always...just really dark nights. The blackhole would replace the moons mass and continue to orbit in its place.

Now if the moon were to just disappear or be ripped out of orbit suddenly(not having a replacement mass to retain our systems balance)...things could get ugly.

Reply #14 Friday, September 5, 2008 4:40 PM

things could get ugly.

They already are.

Reply #15 Friday, September 5, 2008 4:41 PM


No...things would just go on as always...just really dark nights. The blackhole would replace the moons mass and continue to orbit in its place.
Now if the moon were to just disappear or be ripped out of orbit suddenly(not having a replacement mass to retain our systems balance)...things could get ugly.


You nerd! 

Reply #16 Friday, September 5, 2008 5:47 PM

Bizarrely, this group, led by a German chemist called Otto Rossler, are using the European Convention on human rights to argue that, should the LHC destroy the entire Universe, it would 'violate the right to life and right to private family life'.


Uhm.... not like there'd be anyone to complain about it. 


but...this'd make a nice wallpaper...


That would make an awesome dream.


Despite the low probability of something that drastic happening as a result of a mishap,there is always the very real possibility when the reason you are performing such an experiment is that you dont KNOW what will happen...thats why they are doing it.

No no no. Don't you realize when it comes to things like this there is always someone around who knows EVERYTHING.

Reply #17 Friday, September 5, 2008 6:33 PM

Oh hell there's nothing to worry about....Just do what they used to teach us in school a long time ago.....get a wooden desk...crawl underneath and put your head between your legs and you'll be fine...Oh...and dont forget to duct tape and plastic sheet your house first!  

Reply #18 Friday, September 5, 2008 6:43 PM

Just do what they used to teach us in school a long time ago

Don't you mean a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long,long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, time ago?

Reply #19 Friday, September 5, 2008 7:28 PM

Actually I think you missed a few longs!

Reply #20 Friday, September 5, 2008 10:04 PM

No...things would just go on as always...just really dark nights. The blackhole would replace the moons mass and continue to orbit in its place.Now if the moon were to just disappear or be ripped out of orbit suddenly(not having a replacement mass to retain our systems balance)...things could get ugly.

[nerd]Actually, that is not true. Were that black hole large enough to remain in existence and "eat" the Moon, it would also make short work of Earth. You have to consider the gravitational force required to collapse the Moon into an immeasurably small volume, not just the mass of the Moon.

Scientists do have some idea about what will happen. The black hole will "evaporate" due to Hawking radiation or something like that. What they don't know is what they will see before that happens.[/nerd]

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