The origin of Karma, Sukarma and Kukarma

Friday, May 16, 2008 by superman | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Do you know from where this karma came...and what is the karma ...many define it as a belief system...

Karma simply means work or action or labour.  It originated from one of the most ancient language of India "Sanskrit"... many of you would have heard about it. It is read as KARM. Besides Sanskrit,  it  also features in  Hindi ..... the national language of India....

"Su" means good so sukarma means good work.
"Ku" means bad so kukarma means bad work.

In our karma system there is a provision of sukarma as karma.. but nothing about kukarma...
Rightly so, because if there had been something like kukarma it would have been misused to a great deal.

There is a saying in Sanskrit .....

"Only to do work or labour is your right, Never think about the result"
(Karmanye wadhikarstu, Maa Falesu kadachan.)

So lets work without worrying for result....
Thats all i can say ..Hope you like this little information...
Reply #1 Friday, May 16, 2008 11:55 AM
My Karma ran over my Dogma ....
Reply #2 Friday, May 16, 2008 12:38 PM
My Karma ran over my Dogma ....

Don't you just hate when that happens!
Reply #3 Friday, May 16, 2008 12:46 PM
Yeah, well my Dogma ate my Karma.
Reply #4 Friday, May 16, 2008 1:04 PM
Dogma was a good movie.
Reply #5 Friday, May 16, 2008 1:07 PM
Oh, never mind. I thought this post was about different caramels.   
Reply #6 Friday, May 16, 2008 1:50 PM
Good post.     
Reply #7 Friday, May 16, 2008 2:52 PM

Hmmm..I wonder if the American version of Hinduism is a bit changed.

I have always seen karma as translating to "deed" or "action", not "work" or "labor".  It might be a translation thing, though.

I've always heard the term "papakarma" for the actions that lead the soul away from the spiritual goal and "punyakarma" for the actions that lead the soul toward the spiritual goal.

Buddhist karma is a lot more complicated, but in the end, both mean basically the same.

On WC, though, Karma points could be given for evil.....if you like evil, then you would reward for it   lol


Reply #8 Friday, May 16, 2008 3:14 PM
I thought this post was about different caramels.

At first glance thought that was Zubaz talking about Camels
Reply #9 Friday, May 16, 2008 3:18 PM
I thought it might be about the origin of KarmaGirl and her family . . but it wasn't. 

It was interesting though. 
Reply #10 Friday, May 16, 2008 4:21 PM

I thought it might be about the origin of KarmaGirl and her family . . but it wasn't.

You don't really want to know that, trust me!

Did you see the blog about my ring?


Reply #11 Friday, May 16, 2008 9:45 PM

On WC, though, Karma points could be given for evil.....if you like evil, then you would reward for it

So THAT's why Zubaz has so much of it....

I bet his UserID number is 668 .... the neighbour of the beast....

Reply #12 Friday, May 16, 2008 10:29 PM

On WC, though, Karma points could be given for evil.....if you like evil, then you would reward for it

So THAT's why Zubaz has so much of it...

D'ya notice that you're closing in fast on his tally???

Me... can't be too evil after all. I only got 2 points cos I blackmailed tha missus, hehe.

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