Your Favourite Author On WC

Thursday, May 1, 2008 by sAARGe | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Tell about your favourite author or authors, and motive that why they are your favourite.........................Just wanna find out how many will write down here "sAARGe"        ........................................ Personally i'll vote for J.Aroche, Richard Mohler and kenwas
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Richard Mohler
Reply #1 Thursday, May 1, 2008 3:12 PM
You might be alone these days...  
Reply #2 Thursday, May 1, 2008 3:16 PM
Can't think of one Author on WC, well maybe Zubaz!    

On the other hand there a whole bunch of Skinners that upload some fantastic stuff here in the Gallery Libraries that I just enjoy the heck out of.   

(Sorry just had to, the Devil made me do it!)   
Reply #3 Thursday, May 1, 2008 3:33 PM
maybe Zubaz!

Zubaz and author ...    .
Zubaz is a famous children story writer       
Reply #4 Thursday, May 1, 2008 3:56 PM
WB: Mike Bryant...have 9, each unique and very useable. WP: kenwas....stunning realism. Cursors: J.Aroche,Drilln'Boss .....detailed and fun to use. OD backgrounds: Cavan1,messiah1....just plain good. IP: New to it but Skinhit is at the top of my dl'd list.....good use of color,light, fairly complete packages, even with Vista.That's my favorite skinners today. Authors? I never learned how to read!  
Reply #5 Thursday, May 1, 2008 4:13 PM
Mike Bryant and Dani and SK and PixelPirate and Mormegil and kenwas and vlad and too many more
Reply #6 Thursday, May 1, 2008 4:22 PM
My tastes vary greatly depending on application, but I always give props to Mike Bryant for unknowingly providing the inspiration that got me into skinning. Others who provided further inspiration were Essorant, Tiggz, vStyler, SK Originals, Treetog, PixelPirate... and that just naming a few of my favourites from the many great authors throughout WC's history.
Lately, people like Vad_M, WebGizmos, D. Arnaez, J. Aroche (also only a handful of many) have made an awesome impact with the fruits of their efforts that we all now enjoy.

Thanks guys for all your work and keep bringing us the good stuff.

Reply #7 Thursday, May 1, 2008 8:17 PM
I have quite a few faves, but at the top of my list is Skinhit. Not only is he an amazing skinner, but he's an all around great guy!  I luvs ya Jack!  

Kittymalone is up there too. Her sense of style is really cool and she is so very helpful to so many people.  Huggles to ya Kitty!  
Reply #8 Thursday, May 1, 2008 9:22 PM
My tastes vary greatly depending on application

and just because you don't see your name here doesn't mean that you don't have my vote but I really would have to edit all the names of my fav's in notepad just to remember all of them.
There are two Authors that I really admire their works and would like to mention here since you asked: Vad_M and Nauticalpixel. Both have absolute stunning graphic abilities, difinitive style and fantastic presentation.
Reply #9 Friday, May 2, 2008 2:11 AM
Adni18, Tiggz, Treetog, Dano, jj ying and Mike Bryant are the cream of the crop. This is because of the consistent application of excellence. Yeah.
Reply #10 Friday, May 2, 2008 2:27 AM
I have a few....for many reasons:

Modblackmoon: cause their stuff is just as kooky as mine

treetog: because he sputnik suit has never ceased to amaze or inspire me..

sk originals: simply because he is always willing to help, very knowedgeable, one hell of a skinner
and isnt bothered by skinning outside of the box. (and he luvs walks on the beach..  )

skinhit: because no one makes icons like that dude!

Z71: because his professionalism is amazing, his work is always perfect, gorgeous and just desirable to use!

HOS (Heir of slytherin) his style is way out there like mine....his imagination is astounding...

Xiandi: she is one of my new faves.....why?. well, she basically skins just about everything, and her work is bloody awsome too.... (huggles ya back)

Harley (AVMAN) .....his animations are always just fantastic! Plus he always goes out of his way to help everyone.....a really good guy.

Jazzy and Fairyy~ : these two girls are just a dynamo team together with wb and rainys...they are always making GORGEOUS designs.

TYCUS: his magmar cursor just took my breath away....the animation and effort he put into that cursor is truly remarkable...

Nauticalpixel: his wallpapers just take me to another realm....i luv his work.

.......if i think of more....i will add more!!!!!!!!!!

oh ya. ... fuzzeh and nim.......why?.......cause im so damn bias when it comes to them two..  

Reply #11 Friday, May 2, 2008 2:31 AM
*cant edit.........

I forgot Starkers!!!! he does some breathtaking screenshots!!

and Bebi Bulba......her new wallpaper really deserves credit, she put alot of work into it, and I
would love to see more from her.........
Reply #12 Friday, May 2, 2008 3:03 AM
Nauticalpixel: his wallpapers just take me to another realm....i luv his work.

Oh my. Don't know what to say.

Am pleased you enjoy my stuff. Between you and I, 50% of us like my work.
Reply #13 Friday, May 2, 2008 3:35 AM
Am pleased you enjoy my stuff. Between you and I, 50% of us like my work.

Reply #14 Friday, May 2, 2008 5:26 AM
I would have to say that my favorite artists here at Wincustomized are Adni18, Tiggz,Treetog, Mormegil,Mike Bryant and Richard Mohler..  
Reply #15 Friday, May 2, 2008 5:26 AM
My twopennys worth, SK Originals and Mike Bryant (WB), Messiah1 and Webgizmo (OD), PuterDude (DX).

Reply #16 Friday, May 2, 2008 5:37 AM
*Can't edit* so, forgot one very classy Lady Skinner.... KittyMalone   
Reply #17 Friday, May 2, 2008 6:54 AM
mine would have to be, kitty, Po, azdude,Xiandi, butch123, Richard Mohler, skinhitand oh yeah one more my old man the cap'n
Reply #18 Friday, May 2, 2008 6:58 AM
oh I nearly for got ZUBAZ sorry mate
Reply #19 Friday, May 2, 2008 8:26 AM
My favorite is kind of in the past...
"DanilloOc" found here WWW Link

Reply #20 Friday, May 2, 2008 8:31 AM
WOM.......I have every skin he ever made

There are a slew of other great skinners and I'd have a hard time making a list without forgetting someone.

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