Just a mere observation
Wallpaper Gallery
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 by Fairyy~ | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Out of the first 12 walls in wallpaper gallery 7 of them are rated either 2 stars , 1 1/2 stars and 1 star.
Raven2043 has 3 walls in first 2 rows.
one with 3 1/2 stars the others are rated 1 star.
Here was a post he made awhile back a post that says DELETE MY ACCOUNT:
So I gather that if you make a lot of noise in forum you get your walls to be visible ..but if you ask discretely ( in email ) about a rejected wall like I did last week I get told that this is not a Union...long time members do not get special treatment...and its pretty much none of your business cause its not your wall. I asked because the wall was rejected and the rejection mail sent and the walls had no downloads at all. (Named InCOGnito appropriately) So I thought maybe it was a glitch , an accident , a mistake...because it didnt appear the walls had even been looked at...
Ok , so I was asking about a wall that was technically not ' mine' it was BuzzH58's, but seeing that BuzzH58 and I usually work on everything together and I have blanket permission to use any of his walls, themes, widgets and graphics at any time I felt I could inquire why a wall I felt was an ' ok ' wall was rejected and sent to that " personal site oblivion ' that no one ever sees.
That wall was to be part of a Theme we were working on but once it was rejected, I deleted anything I was working on. I figured ...why bother ? The moderators think the wall is crap so anything I make will be crap too .
I invested in Photoshop weeks ago...I open it, I close it. I dont even want to learn the program. It just seems like a waste of time.
So I guess I'll go download the free version of Apophosis and just upload fractals.
Reply #2 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 9:32 AM
You said no walls under 2.5 stars but I have seen lots of them in the past few weeks under 2.5.
Reply #3 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 9:52 AM
You act like our moderation system being glitchy is something new. This stuff happens from time to time. Some times one or two at a time, sometimes with entire blocks of walls.
And sometimes, the low ratings are the result of user ratings post-moderation. Those don't get moved to PP.
Reply #4 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:30 AM
Yes, YOU questioned it, and YOU were told that the author was free to ask about it.
I like how you turn this around. Those were points to you suggesting that somebody was being passed up for promotion even though they had been on the site a long time.
The post that you referred to- do you see anywhere in there where we said that our moderation was wrong? I don't see how you even correlate that to the point you are trying to make. The walls in question were moderated to personal pages, but they didn't go there for some reason. It happens. Zoomba saw what happened and fixed it. Not much else to say.
And, no, it's not your business. Why a wall got moderated is the business of the author, and nobody else. Did HE email and ask about it? No. Did he email and say: "Please explain it to Fairyy"? No. It's not your wall. We discuss moderation with the author. Period.
I already told you in email that I, personally, downloaded it and looked at it. Are you trying to say that I lied? Because, well, you're wrong. It was moderated for a reason, and that reason will be given to the AUTHOR if asked for.
Then, I guess you have to rethink your reasons for creating art work. If you are unmotivated because SOMEBODY ELSE had a wall rejected, then there isn't much anyone can do for you.
Reply #5 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:34 AM
That explains that. I was wondering about it myself. I wasn't sure if you all had changed the policy again or not.
I don't think I have ever discouraged anyone..but please...don't do fractals. Every where I go, sites are bombarded with them. SO very few people seem to know what they are doing with them.
If you need some assist on Photoshop, I would be happy to offer whatever help I can. I don't know how good I am on tutorials, but you could ask Bandit. I made one for him.
Reply #6 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 12:28 PM
Reply #7 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 4:11 PM
The first email I sent you I was inquiring why his wall was rejected at 6:30 am.
The wall had no downloads and I said it appears no one even looked at it.
I said that I recalled Frogboy saying that only he, Karma and Zoombas were doing wall moderation. So that was why I asked seeing that Stardock employees usually start work at 8 am. And I thought perhaps it was a glitch...it happens as Zoombas just pointed out.
Your reply to me was " I am not the one that moderated that wall, and Zoombas and I are not the only moderators.
In your second email you said you downloaded the wall.
So no, Im not saying you lied at all...but the wall was already rejected when you looked at it. I saved both emails.
Again...BuzzH58 and I make skins together. I told you in the email that he works long hours so he squeezes in any skinning. He is not able to be online much at the moment....I take care of answering most comments for him and upload for him...and yes I do understand you do not have to answer anyone but the original author.
It may not be my business but I was just inquiring so I could delete the rest of the skins that were to go with the wall.
And Thank you Po' and Quentin...maybe I'll get interested at another time.
Reply #8 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 4:38 PM

Reply #9 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 5:46 PM
No one is forcing you

I got photoshop years ago, trick is don't upload unless your confident in your skills.
I spent 9 months on my first VS, yeah.. 9 months.

I was certain at that point.
Of course.. to err is human, there will always be glitches.
Reply #10 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:23 PM
My initial response, which should have ended the matter was: "I am not the one who moderated that (and Zoomba and I are not the only moderators of walls). However, if buzzh58 would like to email me, I will gladly explain what happened with the submission to him."
I start work prior to 6:30am most days, so you are wrong with start times. You are also wrong with saying that it was moderated before I saw it- I downloaded and commented on the wall before your first email, I just wasn't the one who did the final moderation. We have a moderator section where we comment on the submissions where only mods can see it. Just because I wasn't the one who pushed the button does not mean that I don't know WHY it was moderated.
You are treating your assumptions as fact, which is a very wrong stance to say the least.
It was already discussed in private email. Fairyy didn't like the outcome, so she decided to pull it through the forums.
Reply #11 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 10:59 PM
Do not stop making your skin because of a wallpaper issue. Do some screenshots and post them in the screenshot gallery. Upload the wallpaper somewhere else and provide links. Even post it in your personal gallery and use links in the screenshots. and so forth...
Also when the skin is finished; add the wallpaper to the wba or zip file. Thus everyone will get the wallpaper with the skin.
Plus Photoshop is a very good investment for any reason and do not let discouragement get things going the wrong way.
Oh and another good thing too... is always be willing to change or lets say drop things a bit. It aint worth it if it is not pleasurable to do so. [skinning that is]...
I'm with Po Smedley - if you need some help with Photoshop? let me know and I'll put my 2 cents in there to help you anyway I can.
There is always some way to do things you really want to do and doing it with good spirits too!

Reply #12 Thursday, April 3, 2008 8:35 AM
No, I believe my post was concerning the amount of 1 star walls in the wall gallery that have now been removed. And you are correct, I did not like the outcome but you already knew that.
I spent 9 months on my first VS, yeah.. 9 months.
I was referring to learning the program itself. That alone might take 9 months.
Thank you Shelby.
Time to move on now.
Reply #13 Thursday, April 3, 2008 11:47 AM
Hopefully much longer than that, I think after several years in it, i'm just tapping the icecaps.
Reply #14 Thursday, April 3, 2008 1:08 PM
Perhaps she's a quick learner..

Reply #15 Thursday, April 3, 2008 1:34 PM

Reply #16 Monday, June 16, 2008 12:10 AM
Reply #17 Monday, June 16, 2008 2:08 AM
And sometimes, the low ratings are the result of user ratings post-moderation. Those don't get moved to PP.
the actual rating system is needed? do we need to rate with stars? why(if your answare is yes)?
i'm tired of seen threads from people saying that why they get low ratings.., we are not children.., we are not on school just wating a star from our teacher...
the rating system shouldn't go., it SHOULD change... we can use favs+!
tell me how many sites were other people post their work use stars..? how many are out there? how many are still using or in fact.., how many have used any kind of star rating...?
...this is useless.., no comment, no thread.., no one out there will change this.., no matter how many skinners say "damn! i'm out of this site".., it wont matter........
Reply #20 Monday, June 16, 2008 3:52 AM
Tycus...this thread is from April 2 , 2008
It was not a discussion about ratings.
This thread is yesterdays fish and chips paper. ( old news )
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Reply #1 Wednesday, April 2, 2008 9:31 AM
The items you referenced were technical glitches, the system did not properly place them after moderation. They've been corrected.