Epic Mod v1.1
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Epic Mod v1.1

Updated Dec 23, 2008 by Kiedjor

Comment #1 Tuesday, December 23, 2008 3:44 PM
i get minidump error as soon as i enable this mod. game is at 1.12 patch. seems like errors when theres a planet in view when u turn on the mod.
Comment #2 Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:24 AM
It worked fine for me. The only problem is that recently on, one of my custom maps, my game just shuts down. Play as the TEC, they have the best stuff
Comment #3 Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:01 PM
how do i install mods? Edit: nevermind
Comment #4 Tuesday, December 30, 2008 3:06 PM
I think this mod is to hard. Its a great mod' but just not my type. The main reason i downloaded it was for the sins plus planets. I have sins plus but it doesnt work. if you could remake Sins Plus for V 1.12 that would be awsome! I would but im not a verry good modder.�
Comment #5 Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:01 PM
Cool ships, great graphics, but... the Pirates are way too powerful, we should be able to fight off a pirate raid with a few frigates and a couple of heavy cruisers (from the frigate factory, NOT the Cap ship factory). Pirates are a menace to merchant shipping, they shouldn't be a big threat to warships.
Comment #6 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 12:40 AM
Do you know of any Mods that have the extra "New Races" that "Seven Deadly Sins" mod had?? When I tried to use it on the lastest version of SoSE it failed(worked on version 1.4 or below). REALLY miss the chance to choose between several Races(and include the not chosen). Sincerely, GFG
Comment #7 Thursday, January 29, 2009 4:01 AM
Is it possible to delate this low fighters and the fighter call abilitie? The comp only build this 1 Slot fighters with a dmg of 3 and when he build a cap-ship he always call them. So he never have a strong army only masses of this stuipid fighters. My LVL 1 Cap-ship destroy all of them, and the comp builds around 1000 of them. This is no fun the Computer is no Enemy. I can play against 8 of them and the only thing happaning is, that one Cap ship destroy there hole fleet. The only enemys i have ingame are the pirats and after 1h also the arent a problem, what i have to do, to delate this stupid fighters?
Comment #8 Sunday, March 15, 2009 11:13 PM
Not working with v1.15 for some reason. When I enable the mod is seems to work fine but I don't see any changes to the graphics nor are the new pplanets.
Comment #9 Monday, March 16, 2009 1:29 AM
NVM, got it to work fine now.
Comment #10 Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:35 PM
Can anyone just make the SinsPlus mod playable for the current version of SOASE? IMO it's still the best mod I've played so far. This mod's good, but the changes are a little too drastic. Also, I don't like the fact that the names of units have been changed. It might just be me, but don't you feel weird when you click on a Constructor and see some other name for it? Makes you wonder if 'am i selecting the right unit?' even if you know you are.
Comment #11 Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:27 AM
its iron clad not iron crad
Comment #12 Saturday, February 27, 2010 8:27 AM
Does anybody know whether this is also a German strring file there?

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