Wine & Cocktail
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Wine & Cocktail

Updated Sep 25, 2007 by Dreamxis

Comment #1 Tuesday, September 18, 2007 10:09 PM
eh...I've forgot to type my blogsite and mail address in the introduction.
Blog: ----- This is a Chinese blogsite, if anyone who want to leave some msg with questions or any others for me but cant read in Chinese, you can send msg by mail -----
Comment #2 Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:35 AM
Nice and Excellent skin

But it is here a few little bugs:

- hard reading text on buttons in sidebar second caption bar (white on light background)
- hard reading tips (black on dark background) in status bar
Comment #3 Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:23 PM
Nice and Excellent skin

But it is here a few little bugs:

- hard reading text on buttons in sidebar second caption bar (white on light background)
- hard reading tips (black on dark background) in status bar

Thanks for your appreciation~

The problem, hard to read the text in sidebar is an old problem and I've already returned the bug. It's very hard to decide the color of the text I set, so, this is the reason why I worked out "Cocktail".

Actually I've detected that I can't change the color of Tips, for "Wine" I think it's a conception.

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