Average Rating: 10
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File Size: .03MB
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Updated Sep 11, 2002 by Koasati

Comment #1 Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:32 AM
Looks good Randy *s*
Comment #2 Friday, September 13, 2002 3:25 AM
heya mr K - very beautiful and useful skin.
I was just thinking... remember how ICQ was the most popular skin category at a new ICQ skin would be a big deal there and be a top download for days. Funny how different it is now... what happened? AIM or MSN or Trillian? strange... I still use ICQ and look forward to new skins. (especially one as nice as this)
Comment #3 Friday, September 13, 2002 10:11 AM
Yeah Dave, ICQ doesn't seem to be very popular anymore. but I still love it.
Comment #4 Sunday, September 15, 2002 10:40 AM
Neutral and stylish.. and not blue and gray!! LOL Simple and functional without a whole bunch of bells and whistles... The Russion Judge gives it a 10!
Comment #5 Sunday, September 15, 2002 9:30 PM
Thanx MommyDoo.

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