BandVWM Virtual Desktop & Wallpapers.

Can't get custom wallpapers to display on virtual desktops.

Friday, April 8, 2005 by himerus77 | Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything

I'm new to Object Desktop, and I must say, what an amazing product.... I love it... and will never hesitate to use your products in the future! Great work...

now... my questions... I am using objectBar, and objectDock, and have the BandVWM destop manager displayed on the objectbar.... I have configured custom wallpapers for each desktop, but they fail to appear... I have updated my main desktop wallpaper as "none", and removed that option from desktopX, and nothing seems to work...

I'd like to figure out what's wrong with that! Thanks in advance.... I'm sure it's just a setting that is overriding it somewhere???
Reply #1 Friday, April 8, 2005 8:16 PM
If you can get different walls up, I will be surprised and amazed and disappointed that I couldn't figure it out.

I tried for a long time. Couldn't do it. I don't it's virtual in the sense of complete desktops otherwise your objectbar and obdock also wouldn't show on the next desktop with out loading them.

It seems to be more along the line of having different windows or programs up and instead of minimizing and maximizing, you just switch over.

I'm really hoping someone come along and proves me wrong. Different walls would be awesome.
Chris TH
Reply #2 Friday, April 8, 2005 9:50 PM
The latest beta of BandVWM lets you have different walls on each Virtual Desktop. It's in the first page of the 'configure desktops' dialog - click on the 'Desktop->Edit' and change it.

If you've done that and it's still not working, make sure your windows desktop properties is not set to 'Lock Desktop Items' (i.e Display Properties->Desktop->Customize Desktop->Web). That setting upset Natural Desktop for me when *it* tried to change the wallpaper, and it's based on DesktopX so it maybe related.

Not, I only run OD+ and not DesktopX.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
Reply #3 Friday, April 8, 2005 10:08 PM

I have the wallpapers (all 4) configured in the BandVWM settings.... and I made sure that the "lock desktop items" wasn't checked.... desktop x actually isn't running even at the moment when it's not working...

I have v1.95 Build 47 installed.

??? I'm lost...
Reply #4 Saturday, April 9, 2005 3:57 AM
is it normal that the option "configure virtual desktop" is greyed out ..
Reply #5 Saturday, April 9, 2005 4:11 AM
in fact, i just tried to uninstall and reinstall this app, and I've lots of questions

1/ a link for documentation appears in the start menu but it is a dead link

2/ the VDM works but no configuration is possible, the only option I have is "reset vwm"

nothing else
Reply #6 Saturday, April 9, 2005 7:09 AM
hum, I got everything right after reboot (except the missing doc link)
Reply #7 Saturday, April 9, 2005 10:16 AM
I'm not sure what changed, or what I did, but now the virtual desktop wallpapers are working perfectly!!!!

I was messing with the default desktop in the windows display settings when it started working... at one point I had a default set, and that was the only one I could see.... I switched to no background wallpaper, and only a color desktop, hoping it would work, but nothing... when it started working I had just applied another desktop wallpaper in the windows display settings, and that wallpaper didn't show up anywhere, but the 4 virtual ones worked all of a sudden!!

I'd sure like to see this system expanded upon... it is fast, and so far, reliable compared to many of the virtual desktop managers I have tried. (the last one I tried resulted in a full format of my laptop after a corrupted registry, and crash...

Some of the features I would like to see:

Ability to drag and drop applications from the taskbar (any taskbar: windows, objectdock, objectbar) and drop them in a window, and have that application moved to that virtual desktop.... that was a feature in one of the last ones I tried out, and it was awesome to have that control.

Ability to control programs on a case by case basis, and assign rules or features to that program... for example, on several programs I would want them to be able to run on all desktops when I switch around, so I'd want to be able to select something like "enable program on all desktops". This would only be needed if the first option wasn't possible...

those are my main thoughts... I'm sure I'll come up with more later...

Love the products!!! my computer will never be the same...
Black Knight
Reply #8 Saturday, April 16, 2005 5:43 PM
is it normal that the option "configure virtual desktop" is greyed out ..

So I'm not the only one who can't configure this anymore, does anyone know what went wrong, and how to fix it?
Black Knight
Reply #9 Saturday, April 16, 2005 6:07 PM
Hmm I had to reinstall it, (uninstall and reinstall) and reboot before the problem was fixed. I wonder what messed it up in the first place, even the menu was different
Reply #10 Sunday, April 17, 2005 6:17 PM
Hi all,
they used ot have one I think called control center. It supported multiple virtual desktops. The thing I like about it VS. BandVWM is you could turn it off or on with out must issue.
I had an issue and needed to turn it off and I had to remove it to get it out of my way.
There are those few times when you just need it off, no butts about it.
I hope it is a feature they will add for the future.

Over all awesome products, used them from the days of OS/2.

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