is your laptop sautéing your sperm ?

... could your penchant for proneness be fiddling with your fertility ?

Thursday, December 9, 2004 by mignuna | Discussion: Personal Computing


According to ABC Science Online Australia, the heat generated by a laptop warming the scrotum may affect sperm production, potentially creating a generation of men with fertility problems. Judy Skatssoon from ABC says that a study by U.S. researchers in the journal ‘Human Reproduction’ found that laptops increased the temperature of the scrotum by almost 3°C.


According to Skatssoon, Professor Yefim Sheynkin of the State University of New York says that repeated, long-term exposure to laptop-related scrotal hyperthermia, (or over-heating) may impair sperm production, particularly in teenage boys and young men.


ABC Online quotes recent findings as stating that "Frequent use of laptop computers in a laptop position directly exposes the scrotum to the dissipated high internal operating temperature of the machine. In addition, the use of a laptop requires a special body position ... when the scrotum is trapped between closely approximated thighs".


Australian expert in male fertility, Professor Gordon Baker of the University of Melbourne, said he wasn't surprised by an increase in scrotal temperature after using a laptop, but was unsure about the risks to fertility.


"The bottom of the laptops are fairly warm and I can imagine that if you rest it on there you would cause this sort of thing to occur," he said. "There are a lot of other heat exposures that people encounter ... it's difficult to show direct evidence that they actually cause impairment of sperm production."


The study involved 29 men aged between 21 and 35, and researchers said after one hour the average increase in temperature in the left and right side of the scrotum in men working with laptops was 2.6°C and 2.8°C respectively.


Some studies suggest an increase of just 1°C is enough to suppress sperm production. The frequency and duration of heat exposure needed to impair sperm production was not known but the study recommended teenage boys and young men should limit use of their laptops.




Full original article: Link  




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Danny Bassette
Reply #1 Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:16 AM
New form of birth control? Or an intelligence test to prevent breeding?
Reply #2 Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:41 AM
Probably right after the first of the year MIcrosoft will be selling protective pads for your lap at $ 199.00 each. First the scare tactic , then the product! Just being a little synical today. Lol Oh and the protective pad is made of styrofoam to insulate the heat. The pads cost Microsoft $.50 each to produce. The news is already doing the marketing for them. LOL

This is just a joke!
Reply #3 Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:17 AM
First bicycle seats, now this. And I'm still waiting for my cell phone tumor. If the slightest change in body heat had such an effect, you'd figure there'd be no babies conceived during the summer.
Reply #4 Thursday, December 9, 2004 12:19 PM
Action Jay it can get quite hot down there when I'm using my laptop. I'm just glad I don't plan to have children yet.
Reply #5 Thursday, December 9, 2004 12:19 PM
That just sounds so wrong.
Reply #6 Thursday, December 9, 2004 3:52 PM
this article is also in 'The Times' [and on my blog ]
Reply #7 Thursday, December 9, 2004 4:17 PM
Chalk one for over-population.
Reply #8 Thursday, December 9, 2004 7:09 PM
This is why I purchased a Vantec LapCool2. I'm sure the cool environment more helps than hurts this bodily function.
Reply #9 Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:40 PM
The geek race is doomed.
Reply #10 Thursday, December 9, 2004 11:40 PM
jay, they've found that wearing a cell phone around the waist or in a pocket will indeed cap your sperm count.

train, i'm using an antec laptop cooling pad with a couple fans in it.. 20 bucks. and i just got it so i had something flat to sit the thing on so the poor unit could breathe

..i wonder what staring at these two large monitors all day is doing to my higher brain functions.
Reply #11 Friday, December 10, 2004 5:09 AM
I wonder what is next..
Reply #12 Friday, December 10, 2004 6:53 AM

you guys are hilarious !

to those names that i don't know well yet, i should point out that my interest was purely to protect the next generation of geeks ! hehe

and someone just told me that you will all think i'm a boy now, too !. argh !

i'm not. i'm a girl. well ok, i used to be a girl. well i still am, but i'm a woman now. i'll just shut up on that point

thanks so much for your comments. glad to know you're all taking note !

vanessa/mig XXX

Reply #13 Friday, December 10, 2004 7:11 AM
Well you know for some people this is the only heat that area of their body gets.

And some of these same people are using their laptop 'sans clothes' so at least some things can get some 'air'.

But then again, some of these people do NOT need to breed....

As for me (40) and my wife (50) this is going to save me a ton of money on Birth control, oh wait, I'm married I don’t need that any more, the wedding ring is doing it for me.

Hmmm... What does this do for women? If the heat is bad for us, it MUST be good for them right? So all you guys looking for the perfect present, how about getting a slow laptop, and running a ton of programs on it (so it over heats) for your sweetie!

The idea of a 'Lap Fan' just sounds to me like you would need to be buying it at Spencer’s, or some online "specialty store!"
Reply #14 Friday, December 10, 2004 9:14 AM
LOL... i just put my laptop at the end by my knees... since my arms are too long... (plus i don't have that problem )
Reply #15 Friday, December 10, 2004 1:14 PM
I also heard that not only does the laptop generate heat affecting the testcles, but it also irradiates emmissions affecting the sperm to alter the chromosomes of the fewer babies that are concieved... to be genetically engineered towards buying only Microsoft products. Global Conspiracy?
Reply #16 Friday, December 10, 2004 1:42 PM
Hmmm... What does this do for women? If the heat is bad for us, it MUST be good for them right? So all you guys looking for the perfect present, how about getting a slow laptop, and running a ton of programs on it (so it over heats) for your sweetie!

The idea of a 'Lap Fan' just sounds to me like you would need to be buying it at Spencer’s, or some online "specialty store!"

Dude...that is just....beyond sick and wrong!
Reply #17 Friday, December 10, 2004 7:23 PM


dear nighttrain, action jay, the skinsfactory, doctornick, cerebro jd, designcaddy, butch 123, roman da, jjmvideogamer, cybermessiah and nightshade 2020:


i can't tell you how great it is to see so many new 'faces' in my blog. i haven't had such a great laugh in ages. the ideas of a microsoft conspiracy (oh pah ... like that could ever happen ) and heat as a tool for birth control (you know, that could be an embryonic idea. yes. bad pun. bad, bad pun. sorry) are highly entertaining.

all of you, please, please, please feel free to browse around my blog and add your comments at will !

and danny, XX, and powderfinger, thankyou for entering the fray of this article of madness. i have learned how to gain attention in my blog. to think all this time i was mucking about tackling serious issues and writing poetry when all i really had to do was say 'sperm'. *sigh*

vanessa/mig XXXXX


Reply #18 Friday, December 10, 2004 9:55 PM
Maybe the Lapinator will help. Seriously, this is something you can buy.... You guys weren't so far off.
ok then (Anonymous User)
Reply #19 Friday, December 10, 2004 11:48 PM
ok then
dUc0N (Anonymous User)
Reply #20 Saturday, December 11, 2004 6:20 AM
I must be the only person who puts my laptop on a table to use it

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