Start 11

Saturday, December 9, 2023 by Roland25 | Discussion: Start Menu Products


I am having problems with the explorer icons on the desktop with Start11. If I open multiple explorer tabs then the icon on the taskbar does not show the folder icon it shows random icons google etc.

You can see that the current icon has the google and some other one.

I am running windows 11 latest verions and Start11 version 2.03

Is this me or do I need to change some setting or other.


Reply #1 Saturday, December 9, 2023 7:09 AM

This looks like a Groupy2 setting. Are you using Groupy?

Reply #2 Saturday, December 9, 2023 7:27 AM

Yes, Version 2.12

Reply #3 Saturday, December 9, 2023 7:48 AM

Open Groupy2 and check the settings shown above.

Reply #4 Saturday, December 9, 2023 8:37 AM

Yes, the groupie setups are as you indicated.

The icon for the explorer just seem to be random. Here are some example. Two tabs open in explorer three excel icons.

Add another tab and then you have two word icons

Add another tab and the icon change to Everything software icons

Close two of the explorer tabs and then you have four explorer icons.





Reply #5 Saturday, December 9, 2023 8:46 AM

Try changing the Groupy2 setting to "Show All" and see what shows on the taskbar. Are you still getting random icons?

Reply #6 Saturday, December 9, 2023 5:20 PM

Yes, still getting the wrong icons.

Reply #7 Sunday, December 10, 2023 9:33 AM

Let's try turning Groupy2 off and see if it is actually causing this issue, or if it's something else.


Are you using autohide for the taskbar?

Is you taskbar at the top or bottom?

If I had your Start11v2 settings, I could try to reproduce your issue. If you are willing, make a Settings backup file using Start11v2 and post a link here or PM me with a link. I'll use your Settings backup to configure Start11v2 on my system and see if I get the same results.

And, I have to ask if you are using any other software to alter the taskbar?

Reply #8 Monday, December 11, 2023 6:13 PM


I have seemed to found the problem and it relates to Groupy. The problem seems to be because I have attached explorer to the Taskbar. What seems to happen even though I have set to group all the explorer windows it still does not group the windows on the taskbar exploxer item it creates another file explore taskbar item. It is this item that then has the odd icons. 

I think this is a software issue and would be interested to know if other people have the same issue. I have shown a picture of the taskbar with two exploxer items. The one with the red arrow is the groupy one the one to the left is the one fixed to the taskbar.

Reply #9 Monday, December 11, 2023 8:53 PM

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Actually, I can not reproduce your issue on my system. Please review my short video below and tell me if I have done something different than what you're doing so I can reproduce the issue on my system.

Stardock Community Assistant.

Reply #10 Sunday, December 17, 2023 6:32 AM


Sorry for the delay in responding. I have messed with a few of the settings and now the problem seems to have disappeared. Not sure which setting caused the issue. Thanks for everyones help with this.

Reply #11 Sunday, December 17, 2023 8:10 AM

Great, glad to hear that.

Thank you,

Stardock Community Assistant

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