Start 11 v2 - Icon Scaling

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 by c242 | Discussion: Start Menu Products

The icon scaling seems to go wrong with the last beta. Scaling 'medium' ist too big now.



Also I am persomally missing a size between 'small' and 'medium'.

And: is there a way to get rid of the user picture in the 'pro' and 'launcher' styles?


Reply #1 Tuesday, October 31, 2023 3:01 AM

I see there is a beta 2 meanwhile. Will test.

Reply #2 Tuesday, October 31, 2023 3:01 AM

Sorry to hear you are having issues. But, I think it is best if you post any issue on betas on Public preview feedback so Support, Dev and Others users can also help to verify it. We appreciate your feedback.

Stardock Community Assistant.

Neil Banfield
Reply #3 Tuesday, October 31, 2023 5:32 AM

The icon scaling seems to go wrong with the last beta. Scaling 'medium' ist too big now.



Also I am persomally missing a size between 'small' and 'medium'.

And: is there a way to get rid of the user picture in the 'pro' and 'launcher' styles?


Is it possible you have accidentally changed the main icon scaling setting?

Under advanced options for the start menu in the config?

You can also remove the user picture on the very same advanced options list which is at the bottom of the start menu configuration settings.

Reply #4 Tuesday, October 31, 2023 6:13 AM

Thank You, You where right and both worked.  

And to say it again: Greatest work with V2!!!

Reply #5 Monday, May 20, 2024 12:53 PM

I'm having this problem with v2.08.  I haven't changed icon scaling, but there's a huge difference between small and medium, and medium is wayyyy too big.  Icons shown are small and terminal is "medium".


Reply #6 Monday, May 20, 2024 1:38 PM


I'm having this problem with v2.08.  I haven't changed icon scaling, but there's a huge difference between small and medium, and medium is wayyyy too big.  Icons shown are small and terminal is "medium".


Not sure what style you're using, but there are two ways to change icon size. One is to right click the shortcut and choose size, the other is in the config app at "Configure menu>Advanced options>Shortcut icons should be sized." See if this setting makes any difference for you.

Reply #7 Monday, May 20, 2024 1:57 PM

Yeah, it's quite confusing.

Neil Banfield
Reply #8 Monday, May 20, 2024 5:47 PM

Yeah, it's quite confusing.

One option controls the base size of icons in a group.  The other sets a multiple of rows or columns the individual icon can cover.  If the icon can cover 2 rows and 2 columns then the icon will be more than 4x as big (more due to the text getting the same space on both so a smaller percentage of larger sizes).  When you think about it this makes sense as icons have to cover a whole number of lines.

Until more recent versions of Start11 the second option was for Windows 10 menu style only and on other styles you just controlled the size for all icons in a group.  This additional option seems to have confused some people unfortunately.

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