The Lounge
Thursday, March 12, 2020 by T-Man | Discussion: Master Skinners Lounge
Just created the new "Master Skinners Lounge" category. This is a private library for anyone who has the access level of Master Skinner or higher. So if you wish to discuss something among Master Skinners and admins but not have it seen by the public, this is the place for that!
Reply #2 Thursday, March 12, 2020 10:23 AM
Hmmmm, odd, the emoji icons are not showing up.....
Reply #5 Thursday, March 12, 2020 1:17 PM
It's apparent that the Lounge wasn't designed by a master.
Reply #7 Sunday, March 22, 2020 10:45 AM
Hey! why don't contributing artists or at least Master skinners have unlimited downloads here on WC? Seems to me it would be a given.....
Reply #11 Thursday, September 3, 2020 12:50 PM
Am I in the lounge+... I'm confused where the actual room is.
Reply #12 Tuesday, April 12, 2022 3:55 PM
Am I in the lounge+... I'm confused where the actual room is.
You think your confused I thought I was in the right place went up to the bar,went to sit on the stool only to find out it was a chair the added distance to the drop made the sudden stop a surprise. However it was a soft chair , then on the menu in front of me I saw directions written on the back which is how I found your comment. That I am now realizing is about 18months old! But all that pales in comparison to the level of confusion I saw next, when the dude across the table looked at me like he wanted to try and take my head off! Of course I proceeded to ask what his problem was which is when he looked over my left shoulder with a cold glazed kind of look. It was then that I noticed a small but definitely quite real female with a look of pain and a level of confusion only rivaled by whom ever is reading right now. That's when I realized as I looked around the no seats in here were padded but mine was soft when I sat down so as I quickly jumped to my feet while apologizing I saw at least the look of pain leave her face I waited till they left before I came back in to write this!
Reply #13 Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:36 PM
I had forgotten about The Lounge!
Apparently so has everyone else!
Reply #14 Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:55 AM
There is a non master in the master's lounge, how did that happen?
Please add "report" button to skin comments » Forum Post by 2of3 (
Reply #16 Thursday, July 7, 2022 9:43 AM
I find it EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL that Stardock would close for 10 days yet still approve submissions to the site, except for Master Skins. C'mon Stardock, there are only 2 people left doing Master Skins for Windowblinds that I know of, and you would do this? I have never in my almost 72 years of life seen a company take as much time off in a year as Stardock. Tell you what, hire me to do Master Windowblinds approvals, I would do my job no matter what, even on holidays if needed!
OK, enough I guess.
Reply #17 Monday, October 14, 2024 7:51 AM
Hey Pat! Are you still at Stardock? I see you're still using the avatar I made for you. This site will be an AI ghost town soon, what a pity!
BoXXi falls over a tumbleweed........
Reply #18 Monday, October 14, 2024 8:48 AM
Wow, I am surprised this thread is still on the site.
Reply #19 Monday, October 14, 2024 9:07 AM
Hey Pat! Are you still at Stardock? I see you're still using the avatar I made for you. This site will be an AI ghost town soon, what a pity!
BoXXi falls over a tumbleweed........
Yes, he's still around....if you listen carefully you can still hear the spanners dropping...
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Reply #1 Thursday, March 12, 2020 9:47 AM
Cool!! I sneaked in past the doorman!
Also, I'd like a raise......