I got myself a new Photocamera today

Thursday, July 30, 2015 by benmanns | Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything

So I know it’s been silent for me for a long time - I didn’t contribute as much and didn’t upload anything over the last years.
The main reason was that I had too much to do and because I was under constant stress and pressure  for the most time learning new stuff writing exams and also jumping my own shadow /hurdles and personal matters.
But I’m almost done with all of that and I almost eliminated all of these problems which is huge.

Anyways back to the "I got myself a new camera" part    

When I first looked for a nice starter camera I asked this very community for help and received some great great suggestions.
And quickly I found the Fuji HS25EXR to be a perfect introduction for me and for my personal purpose in use.

That Camera served me very well and is also posted some shots here on Wincustomize about it. Bridge camera with a DSLR like feel to it and also it behaves like a DSLR only that you can’t replace the lens but it is also a superzoom camera- well it was meanwhile Nikon p900 is the best superzoom but the picture quality is slacking.
If one would consider buying a cheap user friendly full control Beginner Bridge for Hickes and stuff the Fuji HS50EXR- HS30EXR is probably one of the best and cheapest that will provide good colors and great pictures for a small buck.

Even though my Fuji served me well I always wanted to have better greater picture quality, something that comes close to the pros.
No noise just straight baby butt smoothness. (It was a dream to be honest)
A quite expansive dream maybe not as expansive as wanting to own a Ford GT40 or a Shelby Cobra but it was also expansive.

DSLR`s remain quite expansive unless you buy an entry level DSLR...and in most cases those have that huge Body.
Don’t get me wrong I think it looks amazing to have a big camera with a huge Tele Lens attached to it.

But I always enjoyed small cameras because they serve me better since I often go on Hickes also have dog and therefore walk around a lot.
And it would´ve been too much of w cam for me to carry around all of the time, also i could not spare 4000k for the body and another 3-4 on prime lenses.

But i saved a little money over the time and finally spotted something beautiful.
I’m speaking of the Sony alpha series.
Those are DLSM cameras with a full frame sensor.
Jupp! SONY and Mirrorless

I got myself a Sony alpha 7 II with a stock lens kit and a 35mm prime Zeiss
small looks great feels right modern yet a hint of vintage.
+ functions like wireless transition of pictures directly to your phone, phone controled snapshots inbuild stabilizer and much more.
Great choice of bayonett adapters make it possible to attach all kinds of lenses even old ones and use them on the sony, or use canon nikon lenses on it.
Insanity for a "decent price" compared to the best and its currently the third best Camera on the market.Soon to be the forth since sony alpha7RII will be released but for double the price.

-Sadly i cannot tell you how the Zeiss is, since the salesman dropped it right in front of me in the store.
And not just a little drop, that thing flew over the counter, hit the floor and rolled across the whole shop and came to a stop underneath a heater.
My facial expression probably was speaking for itself, telling him  “what the …. have you done  
But after looking at him for two second and he just staring at me with a priceless facial expression that was like “ohh shit”” I just had to say “sorry but I’m not buying that in a polite tone”.

Still waiting for my Zeiss at this moment.

I wanted to post some pictures but it’s raining at the moment.
However I plan on taking it to a small trip this weekend and hopefully can show you some decent results from the kit lens then.

Note I will be keeping the Fuji since it’s a cool cam for Superzoom still.
Just wanted to share my excitement.


Reply #1 Thursday, July 30, 2015 2:53 PM

cropped since i overexposed the sky, hehe
take a look at the right eyeball - its me  

here is another one...
this one isnt cropped but 16:9 and at 21MP instead 24

Reply #2 Friday, July 31, 2015 7:33 AM

Congrats man, the a7 family is a fantastic series of cameras.  I bought the a7 when it first came out, then upgraded to the a7II when that showed up.  Started with the 55mm, then added the 24-240mm and 28mm.  Got a ton of great pictures in both Japan and Namibia!


Reply #3 Friday, July 31, 2015 7:48 AM

Neil Banfield
Reply #4 Friday, July 31, 2015 8:04 AM

I would recommend taking pictures in raw mode and looking at Adobe Lightroom.  You can then correct for things like over exposed sky later.

Usually I bring the highlights down a little and up the shadows so the dark areas are a little lighter.

Reply #5 Friday, July 31, 2015 8:11 AM

Yeah, Lightroom is magic.  $10/month will get you Photoshop and Lightroom: https://creative.adobe.com/plans


Reply #6 Friday, July 31, 2015 9:46 AM

First of all thanks guys  

My first shots are JPEG havent taken any RAW yet, its a big jump from bridge to this camera and im still learning stuff.
But turned it to Jpeg+Raw now.

The weather is so bad its frustrating and i dont wanna take it out into the rain
They said that the weather should be better tonight (which i hope since i wanted to have a nice bbq with friends)

Also now that you mentioned it I bought Adobe Photoshop Lightroom yesterday vias amazon with bunch of smaller stuff mostly gimmics hehe.
Cant wait to get started i feel like a small child gettiing ready for first day in school...

Can you guys recommend any good lenses/glass besides the 55mm from Zeiss ? I heard it takes super sharp pictures.
(still waiting for the 35mm).


Reply #7 Friday, July 31, 2015 9:55 AM

I have a 2010 model Sony Alpha 580 with a Tamron 18-200 lens and a Sony 18-55.  Sony bought their image technology from Konica-Minolta.  I upgraded from my original KM DSLR.  I love tech but hate spending money for no reason or I would have upgrade to the 7 series.  At some poiunt I will but I'm happy with the model I have.

Nice photos!  Don't be afraid of RAW.  All RAW images need a certain amount of post processing to look their best but you have a full uncompressed image to start.

Reply #8 Friday, July 31, 2015 2:45 PM

The 55mm is razor sharp.  I've heard professional photographers claim it's one of the sharpest lenses they've ever used.  Amusingly, it was the first lens I ever owned for an interchangeable lens camera, so I didn't really appreciate it until I started trying other lenses. 

The 24-240mm is very versatile, of course, but you pay for it in terms of both poorer image quality and substantial bulk.  For travel, though, it has no equal if you don't want to carry extra lenses and keep swapping them.

The only other lens I've had is the 28mm, for astrophotography.  It's reasonably priced, takes very good pictures, and it's quite fast (f/2).

Lenses I didn't buy but which I've heard great things about:

  • 90mm Macro: if you're into macro, the image quality is supposed to be spectacular
  • Zeiss Batis 85mm and 25mm: Not released quite yet, but early reports are very good
  • 70-200mm: less versatile and more expensive than the 24-240mm, but faster and much better image quality
  • 35mm f/1.4: Supposed to be an extremely good lens, but getting pretty pricey

Really, though, it depends on your type of photography.  Landscapes, you'll want something pretty wide (16mm to 24mm), macro you'll want true macro capability, and wildlife you'll want as long as possible.


Reply #9 Friday, July 31, 2015 6:46 PM


The 24-240mm is very versatile, of course, but you pay for it in terms of both poorer image quality and substantial bulk.  For travel, though, it has no equal if you don't want to carry extra lenses and keep swapping them.

I will take the newb approach and see how many images i shoot in 35 or 50 mm to decied which one will fit my needs best.
I know i wont be doing anything wrong picking any of those two.
For macro shots i love macro photography, might get an extension tube first but already thinking about or the venus 60mm f/2.8 from infinity with an adapter.
expansive but probably woth it.or i directly go and buy Canon 65mm macro lens with an adapter ... but i will try to test one first if i can.

I want to be versitile but keep the weight to a minimum.
I bought a lowepro slingshot bag which i love and carry around when i go on trips.

since i do take pictues of landscapes animals mostly sort of portraits not sports and like to get close ups of cool plants i think the 35mm might be better for me than the 55mm but now im thinking damn might get both

So far i have to say beetween the fuji bridge and the alpha lie worlds - compared some pictures and even with the kit lens which is not to bad the qualitzy difference is insane.

still exited for tomorrow cant wait to take some shots...  


Reply #10 Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:29 PM


Reply #11 Tuesday, August 11, 2015 2:42 PM


 Family Dog/BB

 Grandmas Bird

 Random Building


 around 1.30 AM

shoot many more but most of them family pictures nature pictures and so on and some heated private stuff that went down at the castle which im not going to post lol.

Verdict i love this camera- its quick and even on night delivers great pictures without a flash ( still getting one though ) hehe

Reply #12 Wednesday, September 16, 2015 7:41 AM

Mosel Rainy Day

Reply #13 Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:55 AM

Nice pics!  If you want a great night sky pic:

  • Find a location without light pollution
  • Pick a night with no clouds and no moon
  • Mount the camera somewhere steady
  • Slap that beautiful 55mm lens on
  • Aperture: f/1.8
  • Shutter Speed: 10-15 seconds
  • ISO: 3200
  • 2-5 second delay so any wiggle from you pushing the button dies out before the pic starts (or buy a remote release cable)


Reply #14 Thursday, September 17, 2015 4:46 AM

^nice shot indeed!
I know the sad thing is that i live in germany in an area where almost no good zones are.
I already used http://darksitefinder.com/ for europe to find a nice spot to take nightsky pictures but there are barely any in reach and mostly i dont find the time on weekends.
But i will keep trying ^^
Got the Lens f1.8 55mm Zeiss
I still need a decent and sturdy travel tripod i have a vanguard but its simply to big to carry around all of the time, so i mostly end up shooting freehand.
Thanks for your Tips though appreciate it

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