I starter kickstarter for the game (play it for free now)

Friday, April 24, 2015 by 1MrPaul1 | Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything

Hello friends and those who do not knows me!


I need your help in support of my project on kickstarter 

Play it for free


More details 

Watch 5 min gameplay video


Even more details on the page of kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/naturist/contr-heroes-saga 

And game's FB page https://www.facebook.com/contrheroes



Thanks everybody in advance!

Reply #1 Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:57 PM

Hey MrPaul!

Congrats on putting together a slick little game demo - those UI effects in particular are really nice!

Unfortunatly, the Kickstarter rule-of-thumb is that you need to make 20-25% of of your goal in the first 2 days, so it looks like you're going to have a VERY rough climb from here

I would cancel, regroup and relaunch your campaign at a later date. You seem to have some cool ideas and mechanics that get lost in the pitch...

+ 2d Diablo-eque game in futuristic world
+ Destructable Environments
+ Use loot to upgrade your robotic hero

These are cool things, and should be the first thing you talk about, but these selling points aren't pushed in a concise way.  Things I would change...

- Grammar Errors: Make sure someone trustworthy edits your pitch text. Bad grammar and misspellings make your project look unprofessional.
- Slow Gameplay: The gameplay is too slow to get me excited, even with big explosions. Make the levels more than one room large so you can do some simple camera effects (panning and camera shake go a long way). 
- Pitch Video: Some of the best pitch videos are just the game being played. Gamers are smart and will know if a game is good just by watching it...someone telling me a game is good sets off red flags

I highly suggest watching these two design videos...



...with great tips and tricks for pushing 'game feel'.

You're very close to having something that people will back, but I just needs a bit more love and time to get there  Good luck!

Reply #2 Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:35 PM

Thank you for the tips Scott! 


Yes, company goes not very well... I understood how kickstarter works too late. Do not make any press releases and only than understand that kickstarter itself do not have it's own community and I need  to have my own community before start croft-funding project.

Probably if the kickstarter will be not successful I will restart it. But not sure how, I can't to do it from my country and those my friend who help me right now probably will not want to do it again if the project will fail.

Great suggestions about features description, I want more... It is hard to advertise myself...

Yeah, my bad English is my big minus My texts was edited by several people, US citizens, my wife (English teacher here) my friend (linguist) and if it's wrong I just do not what to do next because I really can't to value the quality of this edits.

I agree, the gameplay is little slow now. I want to make not just action game, it got to be something as stealth games, where player got to be quiet in other case - fast death. And something as half life where more important to resolve some missions not just just kill everything that moving... But my realization of this setting was not right probably. 

But most important I created the game's world itself, most hard part, so I will be able to concentrate more on the gameplay.

In any case, I know that need to show the game to people and get more feedback.

thank you for the advice and help Scott it is very helps!



By the way, if you somebody want to play in early beta version now, PM me. 

Became the part of the history... haha if the game became popular somehow.... 

Reply #3 Friday, May 1, 2015 12:28 PM

Changed the gameplay

It is more interesting with the new puzzles.

What do you think about it? 

Reply #4 Monday, May 4, 2015 6:17 AM

First off let me wish you best of luck, however platformers aren't my cup of tea so I'm afraid I'll have to pass.  But in regards to the feedback you requested here's my take based upon the Kickstarter page and YouTube video.

Kickstarter Page:

I'll pretty much second what Scott said on that.  I know that's easier said than done for a non-native speaker, especially considering how bad a lot of native speakers spell.    If you'd like I can ask some people I know if they would be willing to help you out.  The other concern I have is your pledge levels.  Again, platformers aren't my thing so take this with a grain of salt, but most platformers I see on Steam are in the $5-$15 range for the full game.  Your Kickstarter seems to state that you are breaking the game into 4 parts and you really only get the full game at the $80 level.  While Blizzard may be able to pull that off, I don't see that working for most other companies and especially not developers just starting out.  It also doesn't state what platform this game is for.  There's one mention of touchscreen or keyboard + mouse which implies PC and therefore I assume Windows but I would recommend clarifying that.


As Scott said, it looks a little slow to me.  The other thing I don't see is mention of gamepad support.  To me, this would be essential for this style of game.  Also, is there any plans for co-op play?  Split screen or same screen?  Local or network?

Reply #5 Tuesday, May 5, 2015 8:10 AM


Thank you for commenting and supporting!

I'm really searching for someone who will help me with grammar text correction. If you can help, it will be amazing! Thanks!

You are right. I make rewards as all others on kickstarter do. It works on other projects.
But i agree, that the prices is too high. I lowered it today by the way... Full saga costs 20$ now. Chippest - 10$
Also it is include collection's concept book with the story how I creating the game, and with the lessons, how I'm making art and drawing concepts, making videos and selling the game.

For 80$ investor getting not just the game but also his or her face and name will have one of the avatars.
So, I can't to make it chipper, because number of robots available in the game is limited.
But imaging how cool it can be if your face will be on one of the hero of Quake for example....

Also, added available platforms. Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOs, Android. In fact all devices with powerful processor will be enough for the game.

Primary, the game is designing for upcoming Windows 10. It is not console game and I even can't imagine how it can be controlled by means of gamepad... But it will be just fine for touchscreens because all controls it is just one touch(one button).
Also, if player is playing on desktop and prefer to use SWAD keys and mouse - there is a settings for it.

Multiplayer theoretically possible but it is very hard feature. And as long as I'm making everything myself and in free time, this is hard for me now to implement it.
I need many additional knowledge for it as new programming languages for servers setup and other. i need good servers etc...

But I really want to make multiplayer, not as in warcraft of cause... but as it was on 16bit consoles, with two players in one game. At least I'm making the game with this feature in mind and found people who will help me(if I will find money and will be willing to pay them)

Thank you!

Adding a link for downloading the early beta. http://small-games.info/?go=game&c=2&i=18058

Reply #6 Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:12 AM


I won't beat this drum too much, but with only 2 backers I highly suggest canceling, re-grouping, and re-launching at a better time.

Right now I don't know if your pitch works - I love Diablo and Contra, but they're two VERY different games, so talking about them in the same sentence just confuses me. The gameplay I'm seeing looks more like a 2d Diablo, so I'd run with that. Watch 'lets plays' of D3 and really study it to see how it pulls off it's amazing game-feel.  Lots of enemies with fairly low HP. Lots of loot. Exploration.

While there's some impressive things in your gameplay demo, these three items are non-existent (bullet sponge enemies, no loot on kills, linear progression).

Hopefully this comes off at tough love more than blind bashing  Being an indie is TOUGH, so a big thumbs up for where you got the game, but I'd love to see you really nail down some of these design questions and knock a Kickstarter re-launch out of the park!

Please email me at scott@stardock.com if you want to chat in a less public setting.


Reply #7 Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6:53 PM

I agreed. 

Thank you Scott!

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