Reflecting on birthdays and getting older
Thursday, December 26, 2013 by Philly0381 | Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything
Well another year has gone by and it's the anniversary of my birth today. I've finally made it to what most folks feel in the age that reflects maturity or senility, 65, not sure which one describes me best. I do know one thing for sure, I have an over abundance of time to reflect on my life up until now. I do try and nap a lot so I don't have to do the reflecting but you can only nap so much.
I have come to realize that it isn't so important to ponder on the things I didn't do but rather of what I did, regardless of the outcome. Like the movie Bucket List we all have a list, either written down or in our heads of things we didn't get a chance to do. Some of them in review are things that can be done but most are just dreams that never got fulfilled.
As I look at my list there are the normal ones for someone like me, an old fart bachelor, things that time just slipped away on. Lists are nice but sometimes just get in the way of what really is important, like waking up to see the sunrise, taking an afternoon walk and watching the sunset before going to sleep.
Another thing that I suppose maturity brings in the realization that my opinions and experiences are mine and really can't help others, for you see we are all destined to walk down the road we chose and experience whatever our travels bring us, it's what makes us the person we are, unique, unlike anyone else.
Okay, I'm done here, well not done here know what I mean.
Reply #2 Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:08 PM
I think your experiences can and do help others.Your life experiences made you who you are, which guides your advice and support.I know I have appreciated it.
I think you probably have more of an effect on others than may be apparent or a result you get to see is all.
We like you here, that was your path in life,lol.
Seriously though, glad to be here and glad there are people like yourself here.
Reply #3 Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:09 PM
Be there in a couple of years myself John. I never had a bucket list though, never even thought about it until now, but one thing I would love to do is win the lottery big time and help others more, but that's a huge dream that will probably never be realized. Personally though, I'd love to move to the Destin, FL area! Maybe I'll put that on my list for someday.
Reply #4 Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:11 PM
Oh yeah, that time thing and the abundance of.
Some Philly suites?
Or not, but so sad.
Pickin. Take care Philly.
Reply #5 Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:37 PM
Talk about reflecting. I often stop to think on things that might have been had I turned this way instead of that. But I learned over time that to stress over those things is counter-productive. When asked by my therapist, yeah...I do see one every two weeks as part of the housing program I'm in, how I avoid stress I tell him simply "I dunno...I just do". He can't seem to fathom that. To me its a conscious choice not to. Stress leads to all kinds of not nice stuff like high blood pressure and such. My blood pressure hasn't exceeded the norm ever and that for some reason makes the doctor do a double take. Every time I hear that I think of the Serenity Prayer.....don't worry about what you can't change, change the things you can and just know the difference between them. To me its a no-brainer. I can't change the world, I can only change me. Knowing the difference is pretty much straight forward. day at a time. I just made 61 two days ago. Will I get the rest of the way...I dunno but its gonna be fun tryin'. Lol
Reply #6 Thursday, December 26, 2013 9:55 PM
I waited till I was 59 before getting all 'mid-life-crisis' and bought a convertible [wasn't my first tho....had them in my 20s].
That way I'll live till I'm 118.
Ya can't beat good logical mathematics...
Reply #7 Friday, December 27, 2013 12:34 AM
Reply #8 Friday, December 27, 2013 8:31 AM
Yes, we all have our wish we did that but most things will never happen. I remember when I turned 60, the body told me to remember what I did to it years before. Now I live with the pain I inflicted on it years before and wonder why I didn't take an easier way of life. I hope you jumped on social security. Get some while you can. Now I'am happy to see the sun rise every day. Happy Birthday to you.
Reply #9 Friday, December 27, 2013 10:22 AM
Jumped on social security like I knew what I was doing, well, sort of. With SS and now medicare I'm a true double dipper. Now I just need to find something to do during the day, well, when I'm not napping. Must be something I can spend some of this money on.
Reply #10 Friday, December 27, 2013 10:36 PM
Oh yeah, that time thing and the abundance of.
Some Philly suites?
Or not, but so sad.
Pickin. Take care Philly.
I would love to get back to doing suites, have my fingers crossed that SD comes up with something new.
Reply #11 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 12:10 PM
Reply #12 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 12:31 PM
Phily, you are using the word 'suite' in a manner that I'm not sure i understand. help plz?
This is what I was doing up till a while ago. I'm holding out that SD either updates Theme Manager or develops a new program to do the same.
Reply #13 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 12:35 PM
Phily, you are using the word 'suite' in a manner that I'm not sure i understand. help plz?
There was a program for putting a windowblind and all other graphics made to match it for example, docks. The program he was using hasn't been updated and doesn't work well with the new OS. If you go to the top of the page and click on "Explore" than look for suites and click on it. You will see what he has done so well over the last few years by putting everything in one package called a suite..
Reply #15 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 12:56 PM
I see that you beat me to it John.
Not too hard to get ahead of you old guys....
Reply #16 Wednesday, January 1, 2014 2:07 PM
First off Happy Birthday to you Philly.
I'll be 62 come May. I am seriously considering starting on Social Security then. It really hinges on being able to find medical until I can get Medicare. I've seen too many people say they are going to keep working so they can get better benefits and they make it but then 6 months later they are dead. My health is decent considering all the abuse I put my body through which brings up the next thing.......
Reflecting back the only thing I really regret is that I couldn't party more. What I've done for a living only is there to support my family. If I hadn't done that I'd of done something else. Doesn't matter to me. My greatest satisfaction has always been having a good time. Take that however you will.
Reply #17 Friday, January 3, 2014 3:20 PM
Thanks all, happy to discover its not because I'm pushing the 6th decade! happy b day, and many happy returns.
Reply #18 Friday, January 3, 2014 3:58 PM
I had a bucket list drunk and threw up in it though.
Reply #19 Friday, January 3, 2014 5:22 PM
I got one year to go before that happens or...........four to get a little more than half or.........eight to get the whole shebang. If I wait that long it might not be there anymore. Boogers!
Reply #20 Saturday, January 4, 2014 2:43 AM
Well, let's be positive. They were so sure there was going to be a nuclear Armageddon or some such. If you can survive the threat of nuclear Armageddon, you can survive a few more years! There are a lot of positive things happening at the moment, you just don't see them on the mainstream TV channels.
Anyway, I hope everyone has their best year yet.
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Reply #1 Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:29 PM
Back away from the mirror and stop
Good post old fart. Happy Birthday.