dx mood lighting widget
pressed auto hide button need help
Friday, December 6, 2013 by Azdec | Discussion: DesktopX
I use the DX-Widget Mood Lighting on my desktop every winter season. When I started it this evening
I pressed the auto-hide button by mistake when when placing the ON/OFF button into the lower right corner
above the Taskbar, above the SYSTray/Clock.
I can't bring it back. The SYSTray icon is there but it won't bring the button nor the Lights back.
The Taskmanager says it is running. I have closed it via the systray and restarted the.exe file and also my PC.
I have also deleted the Mood Lighting.exe and unzipped a replacement. Still all hidden.
I am running Windows 7 and this DX Widget worked when I started it today but, now it is hidden and I have clicked all around the
margins of my desktop and I cannot retrieve it.
As always, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Reply #2 Friday, December 6, 2013 10:26 PM
Give me a few minutes to run it, Maybe I can tell you what you need to change in the Object Navigator to bring it back, if I can get it to show there.. Also, have you tried changing screen resolution? Sometimes that will get things back on-screen,
Reply #4 Saturday, December 7, 2013 1:03 AM
So for giggles I downloaded the widget to run with a few other widgets on my Christmas desktop and I am having similar issues. Even without the moodlighting widget, whatever I have on my desktop as far as desktopx widgets/objects go, suddenly want to vanish. DesktopX says they are still there when I switch to builder mode but I have to close it and restart it to bring them back to the desktop.
Running the Snowflakes and icilelights (or trying to).
The Iciclelights vanish as does rainlendar, Winter Weather gadget, and my objectdock docks. The only thing that keeps going are the snowflakes.
Reply #5 Thursday, January 9, 2014 11:35 AM
Try deleting the DX Cache.
C:\Users\"User Name"\AppData\Local\Stardock\DesktopX\WidgetCache
The "User Name" in quotes is of course the windows account name on your pc. AppData is a hidden folder so you will have to set folders to show hidden system folders.
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Reply #1 Friday, December 6, 2013 10:12 PM
Try deleting the DX Cache.
C:\Users\"User Name"\AppData\Local\Stardock\DesktopX\WidgetCache
The "User Name" in quotes is of course the windows account name on your pc. AppData is a hidden folder so you will have to set folders to show hidden system folders.