Skin Comments and Ratings

No, I'm not complaining.....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 by RedneckDude | Discussion: DesktopX

Guys and gals, I need your help.

Firstly, this thread isn't about the star rating, I'm not complaining about not getting downloads, etc....


What does concern me is that lately my DX skins are getting poor ratings.

I don't get very many comments on my DX skins either.


Now, what concerns me is I'd like to know what isn't liked about my work, and/or, are there bugs that aren't being reported?


I will gladly try to fix any issue if I'm made aware that there is one.


Lack of comments makes me think it all works correctly.


So, I guess what I'm saying is, if you rate my work low, please tell me why in the comments. If you feel better about it, tell me in a PM.


I just want to be sure that things are working correctly. I DO skin for me, ultimately, and again, I'm not crying that I don't like my ratings. I use the ratings as a gauge for whether or not I'm doing it right.


To have poor ratings but no comments appears like something is wrong.


Please comment, good or bad. Not just my skins, but everyones. That's what it's for.


Thanks, I'll get back to work now.

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Reply #1 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:13 PM

Well... I know that I haven´t said much lately bout your work (It´s quite much you push out by the way) But rest assured Jim.

With risk of being called an ass-kisser -I Fu::in love your stuff !

Reply #2 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:24 PM

Thanks, Andy. But if there was a bug, or a complaint, you'd comment/let me know, right?


All I ask is that if you rate, you should comment. Rating without comments tell us nothing.

Reply #3 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:29 PM

Thanks, Andy. But if there was a bug, or a complaint, you'd comment/let me know, right?


All I ask is that if you rate, you should comment. Rating without comments tell us nothing.
Cool Jim, I´ll do so.... You too 

Reply #4 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:35 PM

ill be honest jim, i think the rating system is used the wrong way (abused) and I think it always has been.

uprate your mates, downrate your frienemies...

plus not many people say what they truly think.

i only have one thing i would like to suggest.... i think when you upload a suite,,, maybe not flooding the gallery all at once? why not upload 3 things, and then give it a break for two days?

otherwise it kind of looks spammy... im not saying it is spam, but it looks that way.

if i like something, i comment, but if i dont like it, or dont even use it, i just dont comment......

Reply #5 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:41 PM

are there bugs that aren't being reported?
Not on my watch, Mister!

Seriously though, I agree that if it  gets rated, it should be commented on. Maybe if rating wasn't allowed unless a comment was made???

Reply #6 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:44 PM

First I have noticed that with all things, WB, etc. comments have been down a lot except for a very few people.

As far as your work I agree with Andrew. When you upload several new themes at one time I comment on usually just one and do vote very hight usually a 10. Guess after I check all you uploads out pertaining to the same theme I could add that "I looked at all you latest uploads and they are all great - or something to that effect) That would let you know I liked them all but wouldn't add comments to all the rest.

I know it has been mentioned before and this is only a suggestion. Don't bundle it all but maybe make 2 or 3 bundles out of the uploads that pertain to the same theme. Such as upload the full DX by itself. then bundle the weather and clock together, then the widget and gadget together. Wallpaper and Object docks upload a day later. You see where I'm going here.

What I'm saying here and again only my opinion is that we all know you do complete, great work but people aren't taking the time to post on each one. That doesn't mean they aren't good just to many uploads at one time. If the bundle idea doesn't sound good to you how about just uploading a couple each day till the complete theme is uploaded.

You asked and these are my thoughts and suggestions that may or may not help. As far as the ratings I rate your work high (10). Maybe some people don't like you as you are a redneck you know. I however keep that out of play when viewing your stuff.

Reply #7 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:45 PM

Seriously though, I agree that if it gets rated, it should be commented on. Maybe if rating wasn't allowed unless a comment was made???

That's a great idea if it could be done. Way to go Wiz you are good for something.

Reply #8 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:47 PM

I never "flood" the gallery....but that isn't what this thread is about. ( having 5/6 skins on the home page at once, in several "different" galleries, is not flooding the gallery.) We are allowed 5 skins PER gallery at a time.   Thanks Vamps. 


My point is, if you rate, comment, especially if it's a bad rate. So I know why and can fix it.


Example, I no longer use the net meters in my skins because my testers were finding problems with it. Yet no one reported problems in comments. I expect that this happens more often than I know.


Guys, I can't fix it if no one tells me it's broken. This is what I'm talking about here.

Reply #9 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:47 PM

I'm typing away, submitted and refreshed the page and saw Kitty said basically the same thing I did.

Reply #10 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:49 PM

I like Wizards idea but I don't think it should be a Rate/Commenting Rule, we all have too many rules in our life now.

I like to keep it simple, if I download a skin I will rate and comment. 

The only other time I comment is if a skin gets featured, folks deserve to be recognized. 

Reply #11 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:49 PM

Dave, I hope you give me high ratings because you like my work, and not because you like me....

Reply #12 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:55 PM

I never "flood" the gallery....but that isn't what this thread is about. ( having 5/6 skins on the home page at once, in several "different" galleries, is not flooding the gallery.) We are allowed 5 skins PER gallery at a time. Thanks Vamps.

no worries, it was just a sugg

Reply #13 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:55 PM

I know it has been mentioned before and this is only a suggestion. Don't bundle it all but maybe make 2 or 3 bundles out of the uploads that pertain to the same theme. Such as upload the full DX by itself. then bundle the weather and clock together, then the widget and gadget together. Wallpaper and Object docks upload a day later. You see where I'm going here.


i only have one thing i would like to suggest.... i think when you upload a suite,,, maybe not flooding the gallery all at once? why not upload 3 things, and then give it a break for two days?



These comments are irrelevent to this topic. Another thread covers this.


I appreciate the comment but it does not address the current topic.    

Reply #14 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:56 PM

Thanks Vamps. The bad side of that idea is that when making skins to match someone else's work, time is/can be of the essence.

Reply #15 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 1:59 PM

i guess with low you mean something like a three star rating for something like this:


i do not bother with ratings as i do not download it. but seriously:

graphics-wise this is nothing special, compare it with this:

do you still think a rating higher than three would be justified?


edit: new link

Reply #16 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:07 PM

Oh brilliant.... another soapbox thread.

The majority of the people downloading from Wincustomize most likely never visit/read the forum, so there's no point in bringing up these well known issues since only the people who already know of them and/or share your opion on them will ever read it.....

These 'issue threads' tend to blow up, and we (mods/admins) have to bust our asses to calm things down again - often leading to someone being either silenced or booted from the site, which we'd rather avoid.

Reply #17 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:12 PM

Again, moshi, this thread isn't about "waaaa....I'm getting low ratings", it's about telling people WHY you gave a low rating. Don't tell me here......tell me in the skin comments, if/when you rate.


I think it looks like keeping this thread on topic may be a challenge. 

Reply #18 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:13 PM

OK, morten...nuff said.

Reply #19 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:14 PM

but seriously:

graphics-wise this is nothing special, compare it with this

Moshi...your comment makes no has nothing to do with the other.


And Jim...I always rate your stuff #1! Oh crap! I just realized #1 is at the wrong end of the ratings scale! Doh! j/k

Reply #20 Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:17 PM

I like it when a Moderator shows up and gives the rest of us the hit with the 'Reality Club'.......well actually I never like it, I have though learned to accept it and live with it.    

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