Reddit will enact 'nuclear option' to protest SOPA, PIPA

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by PoSmedley | Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything

Reddit will enact 'nuclear option' to protest SOPA, PIPA

From 8am to 8pm U.S. Eastern Time on January 18th, one of the most popular sites on the web will suspend its operations, and replace its content with a video stream of a congressional hearing of the bill. Reddit’s co-founder Alexis Ohanian will also be testifying.

Highlights of the article also mention :

Others have considered a synchronised blackout, from Google to PayPal, Twitter and Wikipedia, in a bid to replicate in the effect SOPA could have on the web and its users.

Following this stuff in the news, I have to ask how   SOPA could effect the likes of Wincustomize and Deviantart should someone or anyone decide that Spiderman Wallpapers or World of Warcraft icons are copyright infringements (items we take to be of 'fair use').

What are YOUR thoughts on all of this?

What do you think of the 'blackout'?

UPDATE has officially joined the Jan.18th Blackout (LINK)

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Reply #1 Tuesday, January 10, 2012 10:27 PM

I think it's a good idea ... good excuse to go hiking

Reply #2 Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:13 PM

Anything to stop the craziness!

This is getting out of hand, SOPA is being pushed by the very same guys who wanted to ban VCRs and MP3 players.

I'm against piracy for obvious reasons, but this is no way to solve the issue - the potential for abuse and mayhem is GIGANTIC. Worse, it would not be a question of IF but WHEN it would be abused.

Reply #3 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:01 AM

just waiting for the 1st amendment challenge that should come if this passes because you KNOW this is in violation of free speech.  These bills would in theory create a "Great Firewall of the United States" and be the 1st steps on a VERY slippery slope into facism.  IMHO if this passes, EVER yay vote should be forced to resign and honest politicatians take their place.  The next day we could be hearing word of angry mobs with pitchforks in front of the Capital demanding the bills be rescinded.  The only this this would prevent is what happenned in Egypt and other places-a revolution.

Reply #4 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:05 AM

SOPA is the anal retentive's answer.

Anything to stop the craziness!

This is getting out of hand, SOPA is being pushed by the very same guys who wanted to ban VCRs and MP3 players.

I'm against piracy for obvious reasons, but this is no way to solve the issue - the potential for abuse and mayhem is GIGANTIC. Worse, it would not be a question of IF but WHEN it would be abused.

Absolutely. I once asked folks about an "Off" switch to the Internet. SOPA has the real potential for destabilizing DNS, and destroying a large part of our economy.

I obviously stand with you on piracy issues.

How about legislators sitting down and (actually having listened to experts) debate the issues and ways to solve them without their party politics as usual "You say day -I say night".

Only this time, since the idiots can't comprehend the Internet maybe doing their usual nothing is preferable to doing something really damaging. 

Reply #5 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 11:42 AM

Reply #6 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 11:47 AM

Try again. Broken.

Reply #7 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:10 PM

I'm against SOPA

just so you all know is for it.. and now they say they are not .. only because of there bottom line was being hit by a LOT of people jumping to other providers.

so if you're not for SOPA and you have account(s) with Godaddy move them .. ye they say it that they are not for SOPA now but who knows they just wont state it publicly that they are still for SOPA...

Reply #8 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:25 PM


Only this time, since the idiots can't comprehend the Internet maybe doing their usual nothing is preferable to doing something really damaging. 

I largely agree with the points here, however I have to point out that the sentiment expressed in the quoted line is not only wrong, it's counterproductive.  

It trivializes the complexity of the issues involved.  Of course many of the legislators involved understand the internet and its relation to our economy.  They may be pushing the wrong solutions because their understanding is incomplete (as is all of ours), but simply writing them off as idiots who know nothing is asinine.  It is unbecoming to your larger, correct point and when that sentiment bubbles up from us unwashed masses to media outlets, press offices, and actual dialog it makes sitting down and solving the problem that much more difficult.  


Reply #9 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:30 PM

Certainly not.

They intended to ram it through without even listening to experts... just before Xmas. 

Since they did not know the destabilizing effect it would have on DNS, they couldn't predict the effect on the economy.

Therefore, they were ready to act and continue to be (even now knowing that effect).

And keep it non-personal, please. While you're replying from Elemental, the OP is on WinCustomize and personal stuff isn't well received here.


Reply #10 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:39 PM


is Stardock and/or it's sister sites and going to join in on the nuclear option' to protest SOPA, PIPA January 18th?

just curious. 

would be cool if you do.

 you could use that time to do site maintenance just a thought 

I'm against piracy for obvious reasons, but this is no way to solve the issue

SOPA, PIPA is not the way to fix it.


Reply #11 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:06 PM


And keep it non-personal, please. While you're replying from Elemental, the OP is on WinCustomize and personal stuff isn't well received here.


So their is a class system in place based on the forum you post from or...?  I don't get the point about WinCustomize vis-a-vis Elemental. 

Besides, there was nothing personal in my post.  Saying that someone's point is wrong (or asinine) is in no way attacking that person.  It's disagreeing with their point.  I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.  

If you can't disagree with each other's points why waste time on a discussion board?

Anyway, I'll go back to my slum and participate in discussions there.  Enjoy.


Reply #12 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:29 PM

Of course many of the legislators involved understand the internet and its relation to our economy.

They may understand. Those that do, I am willing to bet, are the minority. No matter who understands what, there is the economy of the lobbyists. I doubt a significant number of the 36 million users of Reddit called their congressman demanding they do something about piracy.

Elections are coming. Unless the voices of the masses are louder than the jingling of money from those lobbyists, it will happen, IMHO.

Even if it doen't happen now, it will happen later. It will be our own fault. It will be a combination of the complacent and the abusers that will allow it to happen.

 I would support this site or any site joining the blackout. I think right now, everyone is holding their breathe to see who will follow Reddits lead and if they will completely blackout or find some excuse to just blackout one or two small portions of what they offer. If Reddit goes it alone, that will be sad. Sadder is that the only repercussion they fear is the monetary loss they would take hit on for those 12 hours.

Reply #13 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:34 PM

A lot of major companies, even major game companies, are saying they support the "idea" of SOPA, but Not the bill in it's current form. The problem is they aren't going far enough to stand against it. If it's passed in it's current iteration it'll be a BAD day for internet users everywhere. I urge anyone to call their local congressman's office and to voice your concerns over this bill. You'd really be surprised by how much their offices respond to a wave of public outrage and backlash. The other main problem being most people are too lazy and stupid to care to try to do anything to stop it.

Reply #14 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:37 PM

Anyway, I'll go back to my slum and participate in discussions there.

I got your point. NP

It's just hard to know how it's meant when you are reading and not hearing someone make it and they refer to something you said as asinine

Perhaps a poor choice of wording we can agree to disagree on or whatever it takes to keep things friendly.

Reply #15 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:45 PM

Occupy Congress...yes.

Reply #16 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:50 PM

A lot of major companies, even major game companies, are saying they support the "idea" of SOPA, but Not the bill in it's current form. The problem is they aren't going far enough to stand against it. If it's passed in it's current iteration it'll be a BAD day for internet users everywhere. I urge anyone to call their local congressman's office and to voice your concerns over this bill. You'd really be surprised by how much their offices respond to a wave of public outrage and backlash. The other main problem being most people are too lazy and stupid to care to try to do anything to stop it.


Great seeing you, man! Hope like hell you're doing better...

pm me... let me know what's happening.

Reply #17 Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:04 AM

Big Brother is lurking around the corner looking for George Orwell. Together 1984 will be here shortly. The whole damn world is undergoing change. Some of it good .... most of it bad. In fifty years where will your kids be ...... in a cage begging for scraps or living a better quality of life. I'm for the latter but the former seems far more likely, unfortunately.

Reply #18 Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:56 AM

I know it can seem very dispiriting.  But just what are positive steps that in a big way can oppose the SOPA and PIPA?  I too am upset that the internet could be seriously destabilized by this.  But I also don't want to just give up.  What are things we can do to oppose these "grab for more power" Acts?

Reply #19 Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:07 AM

Now go get your Obama Internetz I.D. card:


How to cut down the number of identity thefts: Create a central place where they're all stored. First one to hack it: Gold medal and everyone's I.D.

Great idea.

Reply #20 Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:32 AM

Now go get your Obama Internetz I.D. card.

makes it easy to track you ...

How much is it going to cost ???

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