Premium Skin Logic
Monday, November 23, 2009 by PixelPunk | Discussion: OS Customization
Maybe this could help at least me understand the changes that have crept up around Stardock and this Wincustomize branch of Stardock. I have lurked around here since Windowblinds was a beta before version 1. This was like .6 or .7 when I found it.
When Windowblinds was created, the skins created for it were free. Makes us wonder... was Windowblinds originally created with the intention of having the skins for it free or sold seperately. I don't know if the original Windowblinds programmer is still in the community, but I would love to hear from them about this question. The Whole community offered the skins for free. As Stardock grew, it created a host of other products to skin other parts of windows. There was a charge for this program, that program, etc. Soon a subscription service was offered for everything. And recently, this complete subscription service was fragmented into subsubscriptions with only parts available to each.
Then we have their skin site spun off and being offered as a subscription service to get rid of commonplace internet adds and maybe one or 2 select "premium" skins. In and of itself, this subscription service is selling additional skins offering profit shares to some (but not all) skin creaters.
Everytime I see a new Master Skinner, I lament the loss to the community as a whole. Stardock (or is it Wincustomize) has taken this artist away from the general public and put them with a small group of skinners to cater to a minute customer base. It may sound fine and dandy to split $4.99 with Stardock per download, but the product exposure has just been reduced by a few factors of 10. Question for you master skinners...... before you were a master skinner, I bet you loved to look at your skin downloads. Pride in knowing how many people liked your work. How many of you are getting anywhere near that amount of downloads with your premium skins? I know it may put a couple of dollars in you and Stardock's wallet, but there are a lot fewer people seeing your work.
Could this be a cause of our shrinking community?
Reply #2 Monday, November 23, 2009 3:53 PM
i think some people need to get over the fact that master skins exsist and move on. there are MILLIONS of free skins on this site.
and not only that, becoming a master takes ALOT of hard work, personal dedication and thousands upon thousands of man hours, ect. I think more respect for masters is in order for those who dont seem to have a clue about what master skins are about.
Reply #3 Monday, November 23, 2009 3:55 PM
I believe Brad and the folks who created WB are still around
Plenty of the Masters still make free skins. Infact all mine are free
Yes Master skins typically dont get as many downloads as Free skins... but then typically anything free is always in more demand then pay, thats why theft is so prevalent in todays society.
one would ponder why the masses would not want to spend a small portion of $ to help skinners keep going. It takes tons of time to build a WB and even longer to do a suite. The old times of spending 5 days on a cool WB are long gone.
Reply #4 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:00 PM
I like the replys. thank you thank you We need lots more.
I know the types of the software it requires to make skins.
Reply #5 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:03 PM
Yeah! Hg's skins are awesome! And man! If I had a dollar for every one he did....well...ok..I wouldn't have any money! But its the thought that counts!
Reply #6 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:03 PM
There is no doubt that some of the fine skinners who participate in the community are getting recognized and being promoted along the way from Apprentice up to Master. That in it self in not a bad thing. I think it helps keep the focus on improving one's talent and skill as the skinners gain experience in skinning.
There are also new members coming into the community all the time that try thier had a skinning. Those willing to go through the process will improve on thier talent and skills and will keep the community alive. All that is required is encouragment from the rest of us.
I see nothing to lament here, Stardock and WinCustmoize haven't done an about face. There are loads of good quality skins being uploaded to the WinCustomize Gallelry Libraries on a daily basis. I've been able to find enough to gather them up and make Theme Manager Suites, which keeps be busy.
Now you may not agree with me that is all right, both of us are just expressing our feelings and opinoins.
Reply #7 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:07 PM
Reply #8 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:10 PM
Great points, Philly!
When I first came to this community, I told myself that I would NEVER purchase a skin.
Well, that ship has sailed!**
I, of course, like to grab the good free skins out there, but it didn't take long for me to break down and purchase a master skin. The way I see it, it's a hobby; and I'm an enthusiast. An enthusiast doesn't mind investing in his hobby.
I agree with you, HG; why not give back a little in the form of a few $. Besides, for less than a value meal at most any fast food establishment, you can get a top-knotch skin!
**bonus points to the first one who can tell me which movie this line is from.
Reply #9 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:16 PM
Vamp, you make some nice skins. You just recently moved into the master skin status. Congratulations!! I respect your work. And I apologize for ranting about this in your skin review. It belonged out here so everyone can see it. So I deserve a little of your "bite".
I honestly can't imagine anyone spending 1000s of hours on one skin. Learning to be an artist yes, but not on one skin.
I have nothing personal against any of you Master Skinners. You are very talented folks. I question paying for Windowblinds(or any other premium skin base product) and then paying someone else to use it also.
Reply #10 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:25 PM
This one skin took 6 months to do. And is not fully finished.
And Has spanned over 2 artists, Adam Solley originated the theme. I have added to it and kept it updated for DX. over the last 4 years.
Reply #11 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:29 PM
Ah...that's easy...The Love boat!
Reply #12 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:32 PM
Well, that ship has sailed!
Ah...that's easy...The Love boat!
I thought he was refering to my diet... but sure love boat works too.
Reply #13 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:32 PM
Will it ever be "finished"?
HG...was the engineering part done with 3d models and if so, where did you find them?
Reply #14 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:34 PM
Honestly though that looks awesome....get yur butt moving!
Reply #15 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:34 PM
Reply #16 Monday, November 23, 2009 4:45 PM
Adam made those animated Gifs, along time ago.Ive added bits here and there mostly sounds and button roll overs, animations to main interface, rebuilt the DX player etc.

Reply #17 Monday, November 23, 2009 5:22 PM
Well let me know when ya need a tester for XP!
Reply #18 Monday, November 23, 2009 5:25 PM
Isn't it kind of like buying a dvd or mps player that is sold by itself, and then having to purchase movies and music, you don't think twice about doing that. At least here you can still get tons of free skins!
Reply #19 Monday, November 23, 2009 5:26 PM
hehe will do Bro havt had much time to poke at it lately but with winter setting in time may come available..
Reply #20 Monday, November 23, 2009 5:27 PM
I question paying for Windowblinds(or any other premium skin base product) and then paying someone else to use it also.
Isn't it kind of like buying a dvd or mps player that is sold by itself, and then having to purchase movies and music, you don't think twice about doing that. At least here you can still get tons of free skins!
well said Karmat.
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Reply #1 Monday, November 23, 2009 3:44 PM
For some Masters, it's their sole source of income. Imagine the thousands of dollars spent on the software it takes to skin nowdays...gotta recoup that expense somehow.
By the way, not all Masters sell their work, quite a few give freely to the community. For the masters that do, they also still give some work freely as well.