IE8 vs WB
Sunday, August 16, 2009 by granbjd22 | Discussion: Forum Issues
I don't supose anyone uses IE8. with Window Blinds???
This upgrade, I tried it and Nope.. Window Blinds apparenty from what Microsoft says, you can't use it(IE8) cuz it messes up my
boxes where I type in things. Makes them micro small. So it's either don't use the Microsoft IE8 upgrade or get rid of Window Blinds.... ......
Reply #2 Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:47 PM
I'm using WB7 beta 2 and IE8 on Vista 32bit and the only issue I have is the tabs and command bar not being skinned.Everything else seems normal to me(although I may not be the best judge of "normal")
What version of WindowBlinds are you using and what OS.
Reply #3 Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:56 PM
Like wise here, IE8 with Vista Home Premium 64bit and WB7 beta 2 with no problems.
The small input box problem was cleared up with an update in WB6, haven't seen it in WB7.
Reply #6 Sunday, August 16, 2009 5:35 PM
Yes this issue fixed in IE8 RC1 and WindowBlinds 6.3 onwards, the workaround for past issues are here on forums.
Basically on IE8 betas it was > Tools > > Internet Options > Advanced Tab > UNTICK Enable Visual Styles on Buttons and Controls in Webpages
Reply #7 Monday, August 17, 2009 2:49 AM
everytime i install ie8 on vista, windows wont skin properly in the ietab section, actually it wont skin at all, and it gives me other griefs as well, so im sticking to ie7 for now
Reply #8 Monday, August 17, 2009 4:08 AM
The small edit boxes and small buttons is actually a bug in IE8 not WindowBlinds so whoever you spoke to at Microsoft is incorrect. They messed something up in IE. Later versions of WB workaround the IE bug.
Reply #9 Friday, August 28, 2009 4:26 PM
Hello, I have WB 6.3. I just installed IE 8.0 and got small edit boxes and small buttons on some Internet sites ( ...etc). Is it possible to find some skins which dont make this problem, or have I update again WB.
Is the problem fixed in WB 7.0 anf how much I have to pay again for an update ? Thanks
Reply #10 Friday, August 28, 2009 4:29 PM
Please give a help. Here after my system info. Thanks
Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 4.7
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 5.7
WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 6.3 (build 112 x86 - Vista Edition)
WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(Moniteur Plug-and-Play générique) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT
Wblind.dll 2008/11/06 13:22:20
Wbsrv.dll 2008/09/16 08:44:22
Wbconfig.exe 2008/11/18 18:15:54
Wbload.exe 2008/04/26 16:14:14
Wbhelp.dll 2008/04/26 16:14:07
Tray.dll 2008/04/26 16:14:21
Wbload.dll 2008/04/26 16:14:28
Screen.exe 2008/07/15 11:31:09
Reply #11 Friday, August 28, 2009 4:38 PM
I believe that the problem you have was cleared up in WB version 6.4.
Reply #14 Friday, August 28, 2009 4:48 PM
Hello Guys,
Thanks for your answers. for forum friends this is the solution, my problem was fixed immediatly as hereafter, try and you'll be estonished :
Open IE8 go to => Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab > Then untick the following : "Enable visual Styles on Buttons and Controls in Webpages" => Apply > ok > close window > close IE8 then relaunch
Look now : No more small edit boxes or small buttons with any skin in WB 6.3 !
Happy skinning !
Reply #15 Friday, August 28, 2009 5:04 PM
Hi all,
Could someone tell me how to update legaly without charges (if possible) from 6.3 to 6.4 even my issue is fixed with 6.3 ? I did'nt find a page here were to do that.
Many Thanks
Reply #17 Friday, August 28, 2009 6:45 PM
Hello bichur,
Great ... done ! thanks a lot ! Be sure I am happy .
Greetings from Switzerland.
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Reply #1 Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:46 PM
WindowBlinds works fine with IE 8. Open the WindowBlinds Configuration screen and click on "System info" then click the "Copy text" button. Paste that info here.