
Thursday, January 1, 2009 by DjToffy | Discussion: New Users

hi all.. im Samuel, an italian guy! i found this site on google and i said: Wow!! this site is great!

I have Windows Vista Ultimate x64 so.. i hope there is some skin compatible with this O/S.

it's the first time that i come here.. so if somebody can say me how install this superb skins say me...


thanks for all!

Reply #1 Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:13 AM

Welcome Samuel....


Wincustomize Wiki ...is a good place to get an idea of what's available and how to go about it....  Wiki link....


and lots of Vista windowblinds...  gallery Link...


there are free & trial versions of some programs....and if you find you like the complete desktop enhancement experience...then Object Desktop is the way to go with a bundle of programs....well priced.....  Store page link...


dive in and have fun.....

Reply #2 Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:43 AM

Wow!! this site is great!

Yep that's how it starts

Welcome Samuel!

Reply #3 Thursday, January 1, 2009 8:15 AM

DP is right! 

Benvenuto Samuel. Mi auguro che si dispone di un grande tempo qui! Buon divertimento, nuovo amico!

Reply #4 Thursday, January 1, 2009 8:58 AM

Yep that's how it starts

Then you dive deeper into this world and you really get taken in...You become addicted....You begin spinning round and round, faster and faster...Aunty Em, Aunty Em.

You become a wincustomize subscriber and then all get's quiet. You open you'r door to a whole new world. A world full of lab coat ridden winkys, pointy eared vulcans, talking munkeys, and worst of all.....this zebra looking guy called Zubaz who speaks and writes in his own language. To understand him requires the purchase of a Zubish translator. Beware of pirates from Australia (yes they really do exist). This strange and fantastic new world is ruled by a talking Frog. The biggest rule is to never tick off a big mustache guy named Po...if you do, wierd and embarrising photo's of you will appear that you never new existed. Samuel....you are about to enter Hotel Wincustomize, where all are welcome, but you can and will never leave!!!

Welcome aboard my friend and enjoy yourself here. Oh...biggest thing....all new folks are required to supply the community with pizza , beer , and steaks! (I'll take mine medium rare!)

Reply #5 Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:03 AM

You become a wincustomize subscriber and then all get's quiet. You open you'r door to a whole new world. A world full of lab coat ridden winkys, pointy eared vulcans, talking munkeys, and worst of all.....this zebra looking guy called Zubaz who speaks and writes in his own language. To understand him requires the purchase of a Zubish translator. Beware of pirates from Australia (yes they really do exist). This strange and fantastic new world is ruled by a talking Frog. The biggest rule is to never tick off a big mustache guy named Po...if you do, wierd and embarrising photo's of you will appear that you never new existed. Samuel....you are about to enter Hotel Wincustomize, where all are welcome, but you can and will never leave!!!


Reply #6 Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:34 AM

Roflmao at MickeyMowse!

That would have sounded strange if it wasn't all true.

Welcome to WinCustomize,the friendliest place on the planet.

Reply #7 Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:42 AM

MickeyMowse...that pretty much covers it.

To quote Wizard1956... "Welcome to WinCustomize,the friendliest place on the planet."

Reply #8 Thursday, January 1, 2009 3:29 PM

Welcome Samuel, to the assylum

Reply #9 Thursday, January 1, 2009 5:25 PM

Welcome to our really really really big family.

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #10 Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:12 PM

It's an 'interesting' place, but beware of the humans - they are not logical.

Reply #11 Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:33 PM

Welcome to WinCustomize,the friendliest place on the planet.

Also the most bizarre.

You've probably scared the poor guy off.

Samuel ... ci sono molti "interessante" la gente su questo sito. Take it lento e facile e tutti ormai chiaro. Se avete problemi o non capite qualcosa, chiedete. La maggior parte di tutti, non pagano l'attenzione dei detenuti di questo manicomio: "Lasciate ogni speranza voi che entrare qui".

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