nickname not valid

cant visit my wincustomize page

Saturday, July 26, 2008 by claymann | Discussion: Stardock Support General

Hi all,

just signed up and have tried to access my page but I get an error

"Sorry, but you must change your nickname in order to create a personal site. Your nickname contains characters which are no longer valid!"

My nickname is Veronica.

Can't see anywhere to change my nickname

Thanks for any help.

Reply #1 Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:13 AM
Try this post...I had the same problem once:
Reply #2 Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:16 AM
On the main WinCustomize page click on 'Settings' top right of page then click on 'Stardock Account'. Enter your email and password and the screen that opens should have an area for you to change your nick.
Reply #3 Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:34 AM
Thanks mickey and Hankers, all sorted now
Reply #4 Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:40 AM
Glad all is well now.  

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