No textareas on Safari

Don't make me go on a safari to find them...

Saturday, June 21, 2008 by PurrBall | Discussion: WinCustomize Site Issues

There is no way to post anything using Safari, all of the commenting boxes just disappear on it.  Safari is gaining a lot of popularity and this should really be fixed.
Reply #1 Sunday, June 22, 2008 12:15 PM
Reply #2 Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:34 PM
What % of users on a Windows skinning site use Safari?  Is *IT* even skinnable? 

I (while a possible minority) would rather the Web-Monkeys spend their time working on FF and IE issues.    Hopefully, if Safari follows teh same standards you'll reap benefits.
Bebi Bulma
Reply #3 Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:50 PM
What % of users on a Windows skinning site use Safari?  Is *IT* even skinnable?  I (while a possible minority) would rather the Web-Monkeys spend their time working on FF and IE issues.    Hopefully, if Safari follows teh same standards you'll reap benefits.

Reply #4 Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:01 PM
Safari follows plenty of web standards. Plus, it's market share has been increasing rapidly as it has been distributed through iTunes.
I've seen many people switching, and I use nothing else on my Mac, it will be a shame that I'll have to stop posting when I go 100% Mac in a few years.
The codemonkeys could at least make a textarea appear, it doesn't have to be fancy.
Bebi Bulma
Reply #5 Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:29 PM
I've seen many people switching, and I use nothing else on my Mac

And how many Mac users come to a Windows customization site? They're just not the target audience.
Reply #6 Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:48 PM
When I go away to work I take my iPod Touch. That uses Safari and I can't see any comment boxes. I can read the forums but the only thing there is the Post button which leaves a blank comment.
Reply #7 Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:58 PM
Lame... that needs to be addressed pronto. With the release of the iPhone 3G soon, it's going to become more of an issue.
Reply #8 Monday, June 23, 2008 12:54 PM
Zoomba is up north frolicking through the sand dunes so I'll be fielding posts like this, this week.

Safari is not officially supported on any of our websites. We are not currently writing any code or layout to support Safari. This is the current, final word.

We will likely support Safari in the distant, far off future. However, Safari support is not presently a priority and will not be for some time to come. Feel free to continue to discuss the issue, but our current position will not be changing anytime soon.

Edit: By the way, Safari accounts for less than 1% of our traffic on all of our websites. It's broken the %0.8 barrier on only one site.
Reply #9 Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:33 PM
I've seen many people switching, and I use nothing else on my MacAnd how many Mac users come to a Windows customization site? They're just not the target audience.

WinCustomize is more than just Windows customization. Since when were wallpapers Windows-only?

It would be nice if we could at least get a box to type in for Safari--nothing fancy.
Reply #10 Sunday, July 6, 2008 1:14 PM
I know...Safari doesn't support WInCustomize because WC is a Windows-only site....and the last time I checked, Steve Jobs doesn't actually dig Windows...and he's made WinCustomize partially unusable by disabling the ability to post in the forums...which is part of his evil plan to completely banish skinning the Windows UI...which will result in a large number of users switching over to Mac OS X [because them they will be stuck with cartoonish ol' Luna]

Apple is just too clever
Reply #11 Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:48 PM
I'm sure it's an issue with your version of Safari... it works on mine, in fact better than in Firefox... make sure you have the newest version... and maybe try searching for something in the settings that may be relevant to your situation... I've been using it alot lately...

p.s. I do wish I could skin it though...
Reply #12 Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:25 PM
Opera, Firefox and safari don't seem to want to work when I click the Reply button. IE 7 works. Running VU 64bit.
Reply #13 Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:29 PM
IE 7 works

Woah...I never thought I'll live to see those two words together
Reply #14 Sunday, July 6, 2008 5:13 PM
Opera, Firefox and safari don't seem to want to work when I click the Reply button. IE 7 works. Running VU 64bit.

I use only opera to browse net and you can see I have posted this reply.
Reply #15 Monday, July 7, 2008 11:07 AM

Opera, Firefox and safari don't seem to want to work when I click the Reply button. IE 7 works. Running VU 64bit.

Please be more specific by saying what versions of Opera and Firefox you're using.

As for Safari support, there are no plans at this time to add support for safari.  If Safari becomes considerably more popular than it currently is among windows users, we will consider it.  For now though there is not suffecient demand for support to justify the development time.

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