Info on what people want in a Dream

Monday, May 12, 2008 by jjoshua | Discussion: Animated Wallpapers

I am a Dreamscene Artist, and I am finishing my first project and I have two others in the works. I do fractal animation art. I am wondering how much of a market there is for these types of videos, and am open to ideas on what types are most popular. I am rendering at 1920x1200 for 24" monitors, and if popular I will make other resolutions available. Do you guys like constant colors or cycling colors? What speed do you like? Do you like a lot of motion or more of a subtle spinning and back?
How do you submit a dream to wincustomize as a premium dream, and do they pay upfront or as it is downloaded?

Here is a still of the video:
Here is a short clip of the beginning. The spiral in the middle later does lots of cool stuff like explode and implode.

Thanks for your time! cool.gif">
Reply #1 Monday, May 12, 2008 4:05 PM
I am wondering how much of a market there is for these types of videos, and am open to ideas on what types are most popular
WC Dream gallery, sorted by popularity:

How do you submit a dream to wincustomize as a premium dream, and do they pay upfront or as it is downloaded?
You have to have reached the rank of Master by contributing time and/or talent to the community or be part of Stardock Design.
Reply #2 Monday, May 12, 2008 4:12 PM
Actually I'm getting kinda tired seeing swirling lights, the solar system, and scenery. I'd like to see things on the line of something mechanical, like spinning gears or dials that turn.

On the other hand colorful spiral effects would be cool.  
Reply #3 Monday, May 12, 2008 4:23 PM
I would download what you have shown us
Reply #4 Monday, May 12, 2008 4:29 PM
I think its great you takin ideas for dreams

as for me I Would like More Game related Dreams.. I LOVE the Assasins Creed ones that were out..

I play a lot of MMOs *Guild Wars, WoW and City of Heroes/Villains being the MAINS* and I would like to see some dreams off in that area
Even other simple PC games like Vampire Bloodlines or Oblivion or any of the SIMS would make great dreams too.. IMO


Reply #5 Monday, May 12, 2008 5:04 PM
Actually I'm getting kinda tired seeing swirling lights, the solar system, and scenery. I'd like to see things on the line of something mechanical, like spinning gears or dials that turn.

+1 I'll take a Desktop erector set,or show me my computers "guts" in action  
Reply #6 Monday, May 12, 2008 10:30 PM
Good thread.
I'm taking notes...hopefully there won't be a test later.  
Reply #7 Monday, May 12, 2008 10:38 PM
ALMonty, does that video qualify as spiral effects and colorful if I put a color cycle in it?

Is master status reached by a number of posts or number of dreams submitted or number of downloads?

The computer guts in action. Would this by like ones and zeroes falling down the screen? I think I saw a matrix style dreamscene like that. Or red-hot tubes with little electron spark bulges floating down? I saw a screensaver like that once.

I'll probably post some more pics later, I have three new ideas today. I lack the rendering capabilities to keep up.
Reply #8 Monday, May 12, 2008 11:40 PM
1o1 wanna submit ur 1st dream as premium..!!..ur materialistic
Reply #9 Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:29 AM
you cant sell skins until you are master status........currently you are...."citizen"
Reply #10 Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:58 AM
ALMonty, does that video qualify as spiral effects and colorful if I put a color cycle in it?

Yes or mixed colors. You said you do fractals you could mix a couple together with different colors. Oh and 1920x1200 is a good size.  
Reply #11 Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:45 AM
Yes, I have a 24" ws, which can really showcase a good dream. That's why I do 1920x1200. Do many people run 16:9 HDTV? I am thinking of doing one render at 1920x1200 and another at 1920x1080, and then people can downscale (or I can on the individual frames actually) or very few upscale, but they will be the right aspect ratio. But most HDTVs are around 1300x700 I think, not sure. I might do a 1600x1200 ratio as well. I think a lot of people probably don't have ws yet.

I know I can't sell until master status, I was wondering how you rank up exactly? Like is it number of what?

(hemanherecomes I need money for college, and if I can't make much doing this, there are plenty of other things I am skilled at. It is not my first dream, it is my best dream so far. I have done other practice ones that I didn't think were good enough to sell as I refine my processes.)
Reply #12 Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:48 AM
Is master status reached by a number of posts or number of dreams submitted or number of downloads?
The site moderators meet monthly and nominate folks who contribute to the site.  Each mod might use different criteria for nominating.

Here are the ranks a master goes through:

  • Citizen
    This is a registered user. 99% of users are going to be Citizens. A citizen is a member of the community. They can submit skins, download and talk on the message board. Citizens can modify their preferences to display skins of any rating or above. The honorific "Citizen" is appended in front of their name.
  • Apprentice
    A citizen user who has submitted skins can be nominated to be promoted to an Apprentice. To become an apprentice one needs to be contributing to the skinning community in some way. WinCustomize is not the skinning community, helping other websites in the skinning community counts as well. The honorific "Sir" or "Lady" is appended to the front of their name. There is also a Master Apprentice rank for those right on the verge of becoming Journeymen.
  • Journeymen
    A handful of "super-citizens" will be at this class. These are people who are significant contributors to the community. The honorific "Sir" or "Lady" is appended to the front of their name. If you're a journeyman, then you are one biggest contributors to The difference between a Journeyman and an Apprentice is that a Journeyman is contributing significantly to WinCustomize in particular as well as the skinning community in general. A Journeymen's skin is automatically made available upon uploading. It does not have to go through moderation first. As a result, only the most trusted users will become Journeymen because of this power.  They also have the ability to post news items to the front page of
  • Masters
    These are the "elders" of the skinning community. People who have been around for awhile. Only a few people will be at this class. To be a Master, not only must the user be a significant contributor to the community, but instrumental to the day to day life of WinCustomize. A Master can do everything a Journeyman can do plus they can nominate and vote on users to be promoted. The honorific "Master" is placed in front of their name A master has to think of WinCustomize as their home skin website.  

    Master users will also be able to sell their work through the WinCustomize store.
Good luck on your journey.
Reply #13 Tuesday, May 13, 2008 10:39 AM
Oh cool, thanks a lot. That was just what I was looking for! We'll see how it goes
Reply #14 Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:36 PM
I Would Like To See Some Good Holiday Dreams Especially For Christmas Themes

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