Elevator Door
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Elevator Door

Updated Apr 18, 2005 by XSCode

Comment #1 Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:33 PM
I have a question. Where do you put the WFX files. I can't seem to get the to work, and Windows FX is one of my favorite programs. They don't update it to much anymore, but I just wondered where you put the file. Before it was in ---------scripts. Now where?
Comment #2 Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:52 PM
Oops i forget, because i'm new on this, when i uploaded this effect, the server asked me for a *.WFX file, so i panic, what kind of *.WFX is? . then after a second i did a trick, i placed the 4 files in one folder then i used Winrar, compresed the folder, then i renamed the file using the command window (in accesories) form *.rar to *.WFX so you have to revert the .WFX extension back to .RAR and run Winrar and put those files in the scrips folder, or e-mailme and i'll send the files, easier
Comment #3 Saturday, May 7, 2005 9:40 PM

Help wen i download it it says error why??
Comment #4 Saturday, October 30, 2021 9:38 AM

Awesome! Is there any latest update for this one?  Windshield Repair

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