M16 Dark
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M16 Dark

Updated Oct 18, 2004 by Michael Brandt

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Comment #1 Monday, October 18, 2004 6:31 PM
Well Done again Mike. I prefer the glassy one. It blends so well..Keep up the good work. suggestions? make a suite LOL
Comment #2 Monday, October 18, 2004 6:39 PM
Oh and one more thing. i dunno if its just me or the Progress Animation is really not working?
Comment #3 Monday, October 18, 2004 6:41 PM
As a big fan of dark skins, I have to say, this one is very nice.
Comment #4 Monday, October 18, 2004 6:43 PM
beautiful work
Comment #5 Monday, October 18, 2004 6:45 PM
GREAT job !!! Thanks.
Satans Child
Comment #6 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:11 PM
WOW! Thats beautiful!
Comment #7 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:31 PM
black done right
Comment #8 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:34 PM
Nice dark skin ....prefer the non-glass version
Comment #9 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:36 PM
They are BOTH gorgeous! I can't decide which I like better!

Guess I'll just have to settle on a tie between the two.

Excellent work as usual, thanks for sharing this Michael!
Comment #10 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:56 PM
Mike, I really like your skins. And you're getting better with each and every of them!

However with this skin if user has user picture showing enabled the top pane shows wrongly. I suggest that you set:

Section: "Start Panel"->"User Pane"-> Attribute: "Hide User Picture"

to Enabled to have it your way for all users.
Comment #11 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:57 PM
Great stuff!
Comment #12 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:57 PM
This is by far one of your best Mike

Keep up the EXCELLENT WORK!!!!

I think I may have found a bug tho' I am stuck with a user Pic, that is throwing off the name at the top of the start panel. It appears to be pushing it off to the right, I looked in the M16 dir, but didn't see a userpic, or anything that looked like a user Pic.
Comment #13 Monday, October 18, 2004 7:58 PM
Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!
Comment #14 Monday, October 18, 2004 8:00 PM
Also - the skin has really... lunish vertical taskbar the same as your previous skin I think. I use vertical one so I kinkd of does not see all of its beauty most of the time.

If you could find the time to put your horizontal graphics to use in the vertical taskbar in one of refreshes, it would be great!
Comment #15 Monday, October 18, 2004 9:16 PM
OK, I've been using it for awhile now. I must say this is a fine, tight, skin. I like how the top frame is 3d, but only a little bit. Scroll bars same deal. It almost looks as though the title ident is deeper than the bar itself, but I'm not worried about that.

Nice job indeed.
You might want to add a couple of pixels to the roll up height, the bottom left corner is missing (easily fixed)((good grief, that's nitpicky LOL..sorry))
Comment #16 Monday, October 18, 2004 9:35 PM
Sweeeeeeeet skin!
Comment #17 Monday, October 18, 2004 10:35 PM
Both styles look awesome. I love how clean and useable they are even though they are dark.
Comment #18 Monday, October 18, 2004 11:10 PM
Another winner!
Comment #19 Monday, October 18, 2004 11:16 PM
A very good skin Mike
Comment #20 Monday, October 18, 2004 11:38 PM
Lovely work again.

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