Blue Glass Winamp
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Blue Glass Winamp

Updated Dec 06, 2006 by windoe

Comment #1 Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:56 PM
Being a BIG FAN of the Blue glass series, I couldn't wait for the finishing product. FIrst let me say, your very skillful and talented at your craft,Secondly, I was shocked that you placed a background on this. I am not a Master like you, but I think if it was possible, you should of left the background clear, like the R.L. and the SMX. If you ever do make this clear, I would be sure to get it, if not, I will be grateful for this. Keep up the good work.
Comment #2 Thursday, December 7, 2006 2:45 PM
Thanks Armaninyc for comment. You were not the only one to have thought about transparency... I tried to keep the main bitmap transparent like in SMX and Rainy, but didnt succeed.
The result stayed white if transparency used, or pink if magic pink used. I didnt find out how to make it clear. Sorry about that ! Unless anyone gives me the solution, I'll keep it this way...
Comment #3 Thursday, February 18, 2016 6:05 PM

There is no wsz in the download.

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