More Vista
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More Vista

Updated Jan 15, 2006 by Envisaged0ne

Comment #1 Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:51 PM
i love but isnt that actualy vista 5270 beta youv got because you cant get ie7 yet and WMP 11 only comes with vista and no one has leaked/ported it yet unless im wrong could youi please send me some links on info on where to donwload them and i like the modded i think it looks better with the purple good stuff
Comment #2 Sunday, January 15, 2006 8:15 PM
IE7 is available from microsft in beta to test if u want. Google for IE7 and its one of the 1st 3 links
Comment #3 Monday, January 16, 2006 2:29 AM
The WMP11 player is called aVISTAfeeling. You can get it here


I am actually using IE6 with a Styler toolbar. You can get the toolbars here


And I'm pleased to state that ljm2020 has posted his windowblinds themes on another website. So get them while you can!


** I also almost forgot to give credit to 12we for his work on the themes. A lot of credit for the enchanced themes goes to him as well. (sorry 12we!) **
Comment #4 Monday, January 16, 2006 7:28 AM
ohh yes thank im using the medi aplayer now its good..

i cannot find ie7 beta donwload naywhere on the net at all ahh well i use firefox anyways.

i do like you screenshot
Comment #5 Monday, January 16, 2006 10:44 AM
what shell style are you using for the bottom thing in explorer? i really want it.
Comment #6 Monday, January 16, 2006 2:20 PM
wyldstallyns2589 - The link I gave you for the windowblinds theme has it automatically included. Link

Unless you're referring to the purple one, in which I created it myself. You'll have to go into skin studio and modify the theme. If you're happy with the green one, then you don't have to do anything but download the theme. Make sure you get the styler toolbar too.
Comment #7 Monday, January 16, 2006 2:30 PM
yeah i checked that link and when i click it is gave me a message in japanese, i tried it again and got it. thanks. the green is fine but when ever i click a folder (and some files) it messes up, see the pic: . also, now that i've applied it to KoL's VistaXPv3.0 my logon/off/shutdown and please wait screens are back to the normal XP one. i think this is cause i don't have the full version of skin studio, is that right? also, can you help me with my problem in that picture?
Comment #8 Monday, January 16, 2006 2:44 PM
wyldstallyns2589 - The Please Wait, logoff and shutdown screens changed with the replaced shellstyle. You can go into skinstudio and aplly kol's styles back to them if you want (which I ended up doing on a few things also).

Go here and post the pic with your problem. ljm2020 is very good at responding back right away. Since it's his theme, I don't know what's going on with it. Make sure you register or you can't post anything in the threads (registration is free).


jordygreen - Microsoft released IE7 Beta 1 to MSDN paid subscribers. It wasn't released to the general public. All future releases after that was only released as part of Windows Vista. Don't worry about trying to get it. I thought the 1st beta sucked and had a lot of glitches so I uninstalled it. I'll wait until they oficially release it to the public later this year.
Comment #9 Friday, January 20, 2006 2:38 AM
This i amazing a link to the sidebar would be much appreciated

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