Doom 3 Screensaver
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Doom 3 Screensaver

Updated Jan 20, 2009 by Robert Hill

Comment #1 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:25 PM
wasnt to sure about it at first look but installed its great !! very cool and well done
Comment #2 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:49 PM
nice.. but to use it as a real screen saver the "system locked" text has to move to.. but really nice work!
Robert Hill
Comment #3 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:20 PM
Thank you for the compliments, but I'm not sure what you mean; That the text must also move in order to be an effective screensaver? If I understand you correctly here is my take on that: We've long passed the time when screensavers are needed to save screens from "burn-in." Modern screensavers serve other functions, the most practical of which is to lock out nosy folks with a password. Office snoops, roommates, little brothers and sisters might use your computer while you leave to get something or do whatever, so a password protected screensaver is handy to protect your privacy. This screensaver has a password protection option, which is nice. Also screensavers have intrinsic value as an object of art. I'm not saying all screensavers are masterpieces, but if you choose to place one on your computer I'm sure it's because it gives you pleasure and is fun to look at. My motivation in providing this screensaver is primarily to make people happy, and I'm not alone. This website is full of things lots of people have made, and are freely sharing, with the same goal in mind. If you are using an old green screen CRT and want to prevent "burn-in" this may not be the best choice for you, but if you like Doom 3 and want a fun addition to your computer that can also lock out snoopy people, I think this is a pretty good choice. Best wishes.�
Comment #4 Friday, January 23, 2009 12:04 AM
Nice but it wont work for me.. cant u make another this not for wide screen they say tha pls upgrade ur quicktime but its already upgraded.. cant u help me this how to work this screensaver?
Comment #5 Friday, January 23, 2009 12:25 AM
omg thank you, exactly what i wanted
Robert Hill
Comment #6 Friday, January 23, 2009 12:26 AM
Nice but it wont work for me.. cant u make another this not for wide screen they say tha pls upgrade ur quicktime but its already upgraded.. cant u help me this how to work this screensaver?
I don't think I understand your English very well. Here is some information that may help: This screensaver is native in widescreen 16:10 aspect ratio but should adjust to a 4:3 aspect ratio if that is what your computer is set up for. This feature was checked on several diffrent computers before I posted v1.2. Also, I'm curious how you might have an aspect ratio problem if it wolud not install due to an error that requests a QuickTime upgrade. What OS are you using? What is the aspect ratio of your monitor?
Comment #7 Friday, January 23, 2009 2:55 AM
Thanks for the reply im using windows xp prof. service pack 2 im not using LCD im using CRT 17inch. monitor.. the resolution is 1280 by 1024 pixels . The erro was Unable to play a QuickTime video file. Apple Quicktime version 4.0 or more is required to executed the screen saver properly.--- in my computer i already install Quick time version 7.5.5 ...
Robert Hill
Comment #8 Friday, January 23, 2009 3:10 AM
Thanks for the reply im using windows xp prof. service pack 2 im not using LCD im using CRT 17inch. monitor.. the resolution is 1280 by 1024 pixels . The erro was Unable to play a QuickTime video file. Apple Quicktime version 4.0 or more is required to executed the screen saver properly.--- in my computer i already install Quick time version 7.5.5 ...
This is very odd. I have the same version of Quicktime you do, and though my OS is Vista64 Ultimate SP1, I have also run the screensaver on Windows XP Professional SP3 at various resolutions without an issue. I'm at a loss to explain the problem. Yours is the first to be reported. May I ask if you have the latest version of DirectX installed on your system? Also, have you had any problems installing and/or running 3rd party screensavers on your computer before?
Comment #9 Friday, January 23, 2009 3:25 AM
im using DirectX 9c ... i dnt have prob. with my previous screen savers. what if ill upgrade my Os service pack 2 to service pack 3.. ill try.... thanks for your e port to to reply me.. ill try my best to work this screen saver in my PC .coz. i like this screen saver..
Comment #10 Tuesday, March 24, 2009 2:40 AM
Nice Thanks For This Cool Screensaver
Comment #11 Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:40 AM
Comment #12 Monday, June 8, 2009 6:21 AM
I have the same problem of venshow. My pc have the same config. Monitor, Resolution, SO and SP, QuickTime... And the same QuickTime Warning. Thanks
Comment #13 Monday, June 8, 2009 6:25 AM
If someone have the solution, i appreciate Thanks again
Comment #14 Friday, July 31, 2009 1:17 PM
OMG, I absolutly love this screen saver. Thank you sooo much for making it.
Comment #15 Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:40 PM
hello my friend! I love the screen saver, but a have a problem... I would like to run it in my secondary monitor, I'm in truble with that, I think it is becouse I'm using the Ultramon software to handle with the monitors. I simple can't run the screen saver :/
Comment #16 Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:48 PM

I have exactly the same problem of Venshow.. i'm using windows XP Prof. whit service pack 3... my quicktime version is 7.6.6... and my DirectX is 9c... ¡¡¡PLEASE HELP!!! i really want this screensaver...


Thanx, and sorry for my english.

Comment #17 Friday, July 16, 2010 8:02 PM

My problem is solved... i uninstalled completly my Quicktime and Apple Products. Then i run CCleaner to purge all the residues files left behind in the directory... And then i installed again the quicktime and it works perfectly.


I hope i could help someone with this.. and again, sorry for my bad english.

Comment #18 Friday, July 23, 2010 6:18 PM

Roberto, how did you light up the objects like this in the 3DS MAX?

Robert Hill
Comment #19 Friday, March 25, 2011 12:35 AM

Roberto, how did you light up the objects like this in the 3DS MAX?

Sorry for the delay. Haven't looked at this for some time. The translucent "glow" effect was done in After Effects, not 3DSMAX. This is just a movie loop imported from Max as a sequence into After Effects. The ease in and out as well as the rest of the actual animation and modeling was done in Max. I have some awesome animations, on a par with 3 Planesoft, that I'd love to port into screen savers but right now I don't know how. Doing a short loop is one thing, but turning a series of flythroughs into a screensaver that uses on the fly rendering is beyond my ability right now. Anybody with any suggestions please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm thinking I ned to use the Unreal SDK, but not sure.

Comment #20 Tuesday, October 18, 2011 9:04 AM

using a tc1100 tablet with XP tablet edition, screensaver works perfect, VERY COOL


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