SG-1 Dialup Program Boot
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SG-1 Dialup Program Boot

Updated Feb 29, 2004 by ChrisNYC

Lady D
Comment #1 Monday, March 1, 2004 6:59 AM
PLEASE DO, make a whole suit of SG-1. I'm a hugh fan of the show it's the only thing great on TV anymore. Maybe do something with the stars of the show,my fav Col.Jack O'Neal i love his sence of humor,don't you?
The Hauck
Comment #2 Monday, March 8, 2004 9:15 AM
your boot screen is fabulos, i love the series and the star gate, keep them coming.
Comment #3 Thursday, March 11, 2004 4:42 PM
Thanks for an excellent screen! Love the movie, love the series. I hope you'll make the theme !
Comment #4 Saturday, March 20, 2004 8:48 AM
wow yay i love SG-1 oh boy oh boy, *downloads*
Bry man
Comment #5 Friday, March 26, 2004 6:47 PM
I too am excited to use this as im am probably one of the most hardcore Sg fans out there lol watch it everyday at 6 (mondays 6-11 and fridays at 9 and 11) lol its would be awsome to see a Wb theme and logon...maybe even an icon set? If you ever do plz contact me as I would love to get them all
Comment #6 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:48 AM
My god, this is great!! I'm planning on my first complete suite to be for Stargate SG-1 (that's why i got all the software) I hope it ends up looking as nice as this, great job!! Hey by the way, where did you find clear pictures of the chevron loading screen? I've been looking everywhere...
Comment #7 Monday, January 9, 2006 8:07 AM
Not much for timely responses... but I got the images from a screencap I did on a season 3, I think, episode. It's been so long. If I find the time, after I'm done with grad classes, I've been wanting to build a matching WindowBlinds theme. Maybe this summer...
Comment #8 Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:01 AM
this is really a cool bootskin!!! but i know i wld sound stoopid, but heck. what is stargate? yeah. i never head of it before. i often see major cool stargate bootskins and kept on wondering what the heck is stargate. so care to tell me what it is??

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