I gotta rant!
Stupid is an understatement...
Monday, April 25, 2016 by Uvah | Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything
I just saw a report watching nbc news. Its about the laundry pods used to do laundry. They're brightly colored and look like big candies. Ergo...children love candy and these pods are very tempting. Two deaths...several comas... and a few cardiac arrests later doctors say that you should use traditional detergents, make sure the zip lock bags they come in and actually zipped and to keep all detergents out of the reach of children. My question is this......
Why the hell don't the powers that be suggest/force these companies to make then less enticing/tempting for children. Adults can read, they know what they're getting and hopefully comprehend what they're reading. But for whatever reason these things just keep on happening. When are people going to learn a little common sense. It appears that common sense may be an alien concept to them. Either that or they just don't give a damn.
Rant over
Reply #23 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 9:26 AM
Look, bad things happen to bad parents but good parents are not immune. In order for nothing to go wrong ever with your children you would have to have eyes in the back of your heads and be watching them both ways 24/7. There have been plenty of cases that you read about in the news where an unfortunate situation occurred because a parent took their eye off their child for a few seconds. Up until that point there was never a problem and the parent was known to be a caring loving caregiver. One blink of an eye later they are now labeled as neglectful or worse child abusers. I have 2 children and my ex-wife was a wonderful mother. I will not forget the time when she was changing my son's diaper and had set the spoild diaper off to the side to go get some wipes. it was only a few seconds but by the time she returned my son had rolled to where the diaper was and began chowing down on it like it was ice cream. Then there was time when I was a young boy and threw our cat in the dryer, tipped over the laundry basket and crawled upon the lid and turned the dryer on. My mother had ignored the thumping sound for a few minutes because she just figured I threw a sneaker (runner for some of you) in the dryer. The rain falls on the just and the unjust and sometimes it does not matter whether you are a good or bad parent, shit happens, no pun intended. For the most part we all turn out all right. My cat lived albeit a bit more fluffy and my sore ass recovered quite nicely and my son never ate another shit-filled diaper again.
Reply #24 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:01 AM
Now, what sort of punishment can we give to folks who don't use paragraphs?
Reply #26 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:11 AM
It's completely the fault of the parents. It's common sense to keep dangerous stuff away from kids. And nowadays parents get all sorts of advice from various sources, so there really isn't any excuse.
Reply #27 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:37 AM
Now, what sort of punishment can we give to folks who don't use paragraphs?

I did use paragraphs, well at least one anyway. The second one will come later.
Reply #28 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 1:25 PM
Now, what sort of punishment can we give to folks who don't use paragraphs?

a final sentence, period.
Reply #29 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:19 PM
Because the packaging has to look enticing and attractive or we won't buy it. It has to look good in the ads whether print, tv, video, internet, etc. Because they are afraid you'll buy the one that looks the coolest cause you'll think it looks the coolest and must be better or just cause it looks cooler. Otherwise, all you have is a 'generic' product and that's not what the name brands want to be seen as.
Without knowing the full story....exactly how old were these kids? Where were the pods stored and how were they stored? Why did the kids have access to them? I honestly wouldn't put it past some parents to feed the damn things to their kids just so they can sue the companies. I don't hear about kids overdoing on Christmas tree lights?
[quote who="JuniorCrooks" reply="23" id="3632951"]
my son had rolled to where the diaper was and began chowing down on it like it was ice cream.
Mine took hers off in the crib and went a bit further and finger-painted the crib and wall with it.
And there was the time she managed to cut her own hair with so-called safety scissors. AND I have heard of a lot of kids pulling that one.
Once they start crawling, it's open season on anything you leave within their reach. It can be as bad as having a puppy. Hell, our last dog ate a huge hair scrunchy. I had to force feed him hydrogen peroxide (per the vets instructions) to make him puke it up.
I think the world has just gotten so small that these kinds of stories just take on a life of their own , once they get out, and the real problem is that too many people with too many opinions (and often the wrong ones) have access to some form of technology that lets them voice those opinions and find others like themselves to bond with. League of Legends made over 4 BILLION dollars last year and it is a FREE TO PLAY game. 4 BILLION dollars! How many starving people could be fed on that and for how long? But 'doctors' chime in on soap pods and say not to use them?!?!? And this makes the news!!!!? Where the fuck were these doctors when Joe Camel was on t-shirts and the started making strawberry flavored blunts?!?!?!?
When they coat the soap pods in a candy shell and slap a couple of M's (or W's, depending on your point of view. HA!) on them, let me know.
Reply #31 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:29 PM
UGH! double post
can't get quotes to work
I apologize. I'm having a shitty day and shouldn't have even tried to post any thing. Sorry if I fucked up the thread.
Reply #33 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 6:10 PM
We need the humor after being depressed by how dumb people are.
Reply #35 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:47 PM
I blame DrJBHL!!!
Yup, it's ALL his fault. He says it's only natural for babes/tots to eat crap, to paint walls and items of furniture with it. There's the mother "You dirty, dirty little so n' so!!! "... and the father saying "but it's only natural' - as per DrJBHL's advice - so the kid naturally does it again... and again..... AND AGAIN!!!!!!
Bloody doctors.... think they know everything! It's natural to breathe, but the world woulda been a whole lot better if a certain Germanic dictator hadn't drawn breath.
Yeah, I make my case! Bloody doctors [bloody often being the operative word] think they know everything.... like the idiot doctor who thinks he's gonna perform a successful 'head transplant'. Connecting the brain stem and the spinal cord? Good luck with that one sunshine.
Then there's the doctor who pioneered cutting off blokes willies and turning them into 'female parts' before stitching them back on. How bloody stupid! in this day and age of transplants, why not just cut off the willy and give it to a woMAN who wants one, and giver her 'female parts' to a WOman who wants some?
Case MADE!!!! Doctors don't have a bloody clue, do they... and there they are saying it's okay for kids to paint shit over furniture, walls and themselves. If that's the case, then doctors should be made to come clean it up, right?
Reply #36 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 9:02 PM
doctor who thinks he's gonna perform a successful 'head transplant'.
He's gotta do some colon surgery onya to get to that head, first...pommy anatomy, dontcha know?
Connecting the brain stem and the spinal cord? Good luck with that one sunshine.
Nah, that's where the sun don't shine, pommy boy. And you'd need a spine too, btw.
who pioneered cutting off blokes willies and turning them into 'female parts' before stitching them back on.
Thought it were you wot pioneered that, Caity.
they are saying it's okay for kids to paint shit over furniture, walls and themselves.
Well...we didn't want you feeling bad about your home decor, mate...but aren't the flies getting a bit thick there, down under?
Reply #37 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 9:09 PM
Some of the safety products are pretty dangerous themselves. I remember placing plastic caps over the electrical outlets throughout the house, and my son figured out how to remove them in a matter of seconds, and then tried to put the plastic thing in his mouth.
Reply #38 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:28 PM
The law of unintended consequences is universal and immutable, Borg. More reliable than the Gas Laws.
Reply #39 Thursday, April 28, 2016 3:17 AM
More reliable than the Gas Laws.
What!!!! There's laws on gas.
Oh, and Doc, I saw what you posted... I will NOT forget.... as neither would you. I will respond when I'm not so tired.
Must admit, though, I do love a bit of joshing between us... hence my post to inspire some 'retaliation'.
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Reply #21 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:55 AM
There is a time to complain and a time to be quite. This is the time to be quite.
Then I'll try to be quite quiet.
Btw...I was being ironical.