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Updated Apr 29, 2017 by HarryLeMatheux

Comment #1 Wednesday, February 15, 2017 11:53 AM

Excellent. Merci.

Comment #2 Wednesday, February 15, 2017 7:33 PM



My image appears to be corrupted.  Any idea why?

Comment #3 Thursday, February 16, 2017 1:19 AM

My image appears to be corrupted.  Any idea why?

 Euh... Never seen that before ! Just a question : Is your TodoList Empty ?

EDIT : I think the problem is related to your Rainlendar version : before 2.13, windows could'nt be resized with the mouse (and it's needed here : the x and y position of each element aren't fixed but computed depending on #width#, a variable that gives the width of the resized window). Could you check for an update and tell me if the problem is solved ? Anyway, thanks to have reported this issue, Gevansmd !

Comment #4 Thursday, February 16, 2017 1:06 PM

The image values, where the calendar and clock, buttons etc. are supposed to be, appear to be different. Try opening the skin configuration (I think its still called that, haven't made one of these in a while), and changing those values to see what happens. You'll have to refresh the skin by clicking on its name in the skins list after you make each change. I did it that way with RL 2.1

Comment #5 Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:10 PM

My image appears to be corrupted.  Any idea why?  Euh... Never seen that before ! Just a question : Is your TodoList Empty ? EDIT : I think the probleme is related to your Rainlendar version : before 2.13, windows could'nt be resized with the mouse (and it's needed here : the x and y position of each element aren't fixed but computed depending on #width#, a variable that gives the width of the resized window). Could you check for an update and tell me if the problem is solved ? Anyway, thanks to have reported this issue, Gevansmd !


That was the problem.  I installed v 2.13 and the image is no longer corrupted.  Thank you!

Comment #6 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 1:27 PM

1.2 version : Month's name was too close to calendar's days when using the analog clock. I've just uploaded an adjusted skin.

Sorry !


Comment #7 Saturday, March 25, 2017 8:28 AM

Hello !

New upload today (may be the last if no one asks for an improvement... For me, I don't see anything to add !).

Improvements in 1.2.02 version :

- You can get rid of second's clock hand in the analog clock,

- You can get rid of week's numbers,

- You can use a silver scrollbar instead of the golden one.

Some people asked me which fonts were used in the screenshot. Here is the answer (Except "Open sans", all those fonts are available for free at www.dafont.com) :

Translucent :

Days : Open sans italic / 8

Month : Xtreem Medium PERSONAL USE / 30 /  150,150,150

Text : Open sans

Year : Felix / 17 / 255,160,50

Dark metal :

 Clock : LCDMono2 / 11 / 245,150,25 / %X

Days : Open sans / 9

Month : DJB In a Hurry / 21 / 190,190,190

Year : Astronaut / 15 / 0,120,120

Smartphone :

 Clock : Astronaut / 24 / 190,190,190 /  %H:%M

Days : LCDMono2 / 10

Month : Xtreem Medium PERSONAL USE / 25 / 120,120,120

Text : Open sans italic

Year : LCDMono2 / 14 / 235,220,85

Cold glass :

 Month : Xtreem Medium PERSONAL USE / 36 / 50,70,80

Year : Felix / 24 / 200,100,25

Clear metal :

 Days : BetterHeather / 8

Month : Bronze Script Personal Use / 34 / 220,230,240

Year : Felix / 18 / 240,190,230

Rusted metal :

 Days : Saniretro / 12 / 250,250,250

Month : Dirty Old Town / 34 / 180,180,180

Year : USSR Army / 32 / 170,160,40

Colors (all) : 170, 160, 40



Comment #8 Monday, April 10, 2017 9:14 AM

Hello !

1.2.03 version today :

- You can now show or hide Week's days

- You have the choice between five settings for "Today"

- Pixel-sized adjustments.


Comment #9 Saturday, April 29, 2017 1:04 PM

Hello !

1.2.04 version today, with only cosmetic improvements :

- Golden, silver and square settings for "Today" were rather ugly. I think it's far better now...

- It was difficult to read days with rusted metal background : there was too much colour contrast. It's more usable now.

- You can choose separately default font color for text and events.


Comment #10 Sunday, November 11, 2018 12:14 PM

Ok.  I've tried several times to download and install your skin but it keeps going into an image file.  It also has a xml file with it.  What am I doing wrong here?

Comment #11 Thursday, November 29, 2018 1:41 PM

Ok.  I've tried several times to download and install your skin but it keeps going into an image file.  It also has a xml file with it.  What am I doing wrong here?

Did you use the "Download" button (on the line were it's written "12 comments" and "0 referal") ? I've just tried it : it works ! You'll get Harrys5Monoblocks.zip that you'll have to rename into Harrys5Monoblocks.r2skin before to install.

Il you click (right or left) on the picture, you'll just get... a picture !  

Best regards


Comment #12 Thursday, November 29, 2018 11:25 PM

Hi, I'm competely new to skins. I downloaded the zip file, renamed it and dropped it into the skin folder, and then selected it as the skin from within Reinlendar. Although it says the skin loaded suscesfully it doesn't look any different. Am I doing something wrong?

Comment #13 Saturday, December 15, 2018 8:50 AM

Hi, I'm competely new to skins. I downloaded the zip file, renamed it and dropped it into the skin folder, and then selected it as the skin from within Reinlendar. Although it says the skin loaded suscesfully it doesn't look any different. Am I doing something wrong?

You have to right-click on a rainlendar window, select "Options"/"Skins", search "Harrys5Monoblocks", click on the "+" before and, with the right arrow, put "Alarm", "Tooltip", "TrayIcon" and "Calendar" in the "Active Skins" window. If there was already something in this window, you have to delete it before with the left arrow (either you'll have two different calendars on your desktop).

Best regards


Comment #14 Friday, December 28, 2018 11:36 PM

You have to right-click on a rainlendar window, select "Options"/"Skins", search "Harrys5Monoblocks", click on the "+" before and, with the right arrow, put "Alarm", "Tooltip", "TrayIcon" and "Calendar" in the "Active Skins" window. If there was already something in this window, you have to delete it before with the left arrow (either you'll have two different calendars on your desktop). Best regards Harry

It crashes when I do that =/

Comment #15 Wednesday, January 2, 2019 1:27 PM

You have to right-click on a rainlendar window, select "Options"/"Skins", search "Harrys5Monoblocks", click on the "+" before and, with the right arrow, put "Alarm", "Tooltip", "TrayIcon" and "Calendar" in the "Active Skins" window. If there was already something in this window, you have to delete it before with the left arrow (either you'll have two different calendars on your desktop). Best regards Harry It crashes when I do that =/

Sorry : I've no advice to give you this time, because it never happened for me... May be uninstall and reinstall Rainlendar 2.13 before trying again, but I can't affirm it will succeed...



Comment #16 Sunday, July 2, 2023 3:25 AM

Apparently this skin only works with Rainlendar 2.13! I just tried it with 2.19 and got empty space instead of a calendar and had to restore (via backup) my previous skin!

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