New Longhorn - English Pack
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New Longhorn - English Pack

Updated May 04, 2004 by The Nounours

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Comment #1 Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:09 PM
I like the OB - looks good, nice stuff set easily.
I think if you auto-hide the bar to the right - that might be more usefull (for me)

One thing I noticed, if Computer is expanded, the the 'quick launch' at the top is pushed off the screen so I can't access the 'button' anymore. small annoyance -

Over all, i love the colors and the implementation.

Comment #2 Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:38 PM
- I prefer no auto hide but if you want it , click right on the bar, properties, click on the "bar" container, sizing and positioning and check "auto hide"
- You can't expand all the menus if your resolution is too small, but you can click on the titles to hide Computer,Internet or others parts . And after that, "quick launch" isn't pusched off the screnn
John Hamm
Comment #3 Wednesday, November 5, 2003 2:55 AM
Looks great. I like your CPU, Memory, Swap section, I was planning to add that but never had the time. How did you do this?

Comment #4 Wednesday, November 5, 2003 7:57 AM
Just using this pluggin : Performance Meters
by Stardock
Version 0.3
You select what you want , the color , the size and that's all
To have a net meter, i use this pluggin :
by Binis
Version 3.50
Both are installed with the last version of objectbar .
Comment #5 Saturday, November 15, 2003 7:54 PM
how come everytime I launch this theme, it always crashes, everytime it is saying that it cannot find the .bmp file for the plugin and the bars, anyone know why this is happening? the .bmp for all of the plugins and bars are on their folders, but still I cannot manage to use the theme....
Comment #6 Sunday, November 16, 2003 8:38 AM
:/ i don't know why because for this theme hasn't got any problem... i repack it and upload it again.
Comment #7 Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:32 AM
I was having similar problems as rickstr_007

It turns out that it is referencing other themes/icons.
The ones that I found are:
Luna =
My dear =

He is also referencing the plugins:

The latter is the Plugin causing the Problem.
It is being used in the following file:
%StardockFolder%\Object Desktop\ObjectBar\New Longhorn\Bars\Bar.obbar
line 130-140

Comment #8 Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:31 PM
no problem with me... try to download all pluggins and if you still have the problem, contact stardock.
The Bussi
Comment #9 Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:35 AM
i think it a very good theme.
Comment #10 Sunday, November 30, 2003 8:23 AM
You can't download one of the plugins or you have a problem with the theme, download this packtage and extract it in your objectbar folder :
Comment #11 Monday, December 1, 2003 9:10 AM
This theme looks good in the screenshot, but, when using it, it really seems to have a lot of misaligned text. I also don't like the order of the bars, or the fact that they don't auto hide. They take up too much of the screen to be always on the top of everything (including Windows).
Comment #12 Monday, December 1, 2003 12:58 PM
The bars don't auto hide because i prefer that and i'm 1280x1024 resolution with no problem on the skin but if you prefer auto-hiding bar , check auto hide in the bar option

click right on the bar, properties, click on the "bar" container, sizing and positioning and check "auto hide"

but i don't understand what you say about "misaligned text" and the order of the bar. Tell me what it means and i correct the theme if you want
Comment #13 Monday, December 1, 2003 2:50 PM
It was a friendly suggestion to make your bar more user friendly. Test it on other resolutions, and you will see what I mean. Please keep in mind that I work at Stardock and have seen how most people use their bars. I (obviously) know how to auto-hide them. i was simply saying that it's a bit obnoxious having them cover windows. Since you have made such a scene on the messageboard about this theme, I was assuming that you were looking to make it more acceptable to the common user so that you would not receive low ratings. I am showing you one of the reasons that you got a low rating to begin with. Take it how you may.

Also, what is supposed to be where the black box is in the tray? There is nothing there (not even in your screenshot). It's just an ugly black box.
Comment #14 Monday, December 1, 2003 3:10 PM
oki , i work to do what you say, but for problems with the resolution, i maked the theme to look good with all. Click on the title ( like computer or internet ) to show/hide parts.
The black box is a plugin to show the winamp spectrum analyser ( but the link is down because library are down :/ ). If you don't want it, click right and delete this

Maybe some people give low rating but, if nobody say what are the problems, i can't upgrate the skin so i think rate a skin without explain why, is really useless.

( Next new feacture : Show/Hide the right bar as the same way the real Longhorn )
Comment #15 Tuesday, December 2, 2003 3:55 PM
Hope you like the update KarmaGirl and low ratings are now unjust
Comment #16 Friday, December 12, 2003 1:21 AM
It looks nice in the picture, but I don't use objectbar anymore so I won't test it. My only suggestion is to get those big ugly red letters out of your description. It draws attention, but not the right type. I won't rate it because I won't try it. Hope you aren't too offended.
Comment #17 Friday, December 12, 2003 7:37 AM
no i'm not but i don't get the red letters out because i have to update the theme and wait 3 days before seeing the theme... So i'll do it when i upgrate the theme
Comment #18 Friday, December 12, 2003 5:26 PM
thanks. it was interfering with my feng shui
Comment #19 Friday, December 12, 2003 5:48 PM
lol a little too red maybe ? download the free version of objectbar to try it if you want
Comment #20 Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:13 AM
i dunno how to open this! im just giving a little complaint because when i open this, it dosen't look like the one in your photo. tis is the one i will always use if only i can use it! (

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