Beyond vista
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Beyond vista

Updated Mar 29, 2007 by rediffkhan

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Comment #1 Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:11 PM
Very nice theme. Great colors and good looking objects. One draw back I see, Unless I am missing something is.. The way you designed your menus you left no way for any one to change or add their own programs to the lists. They can clone your objects but they can't change the text to read the name of their program. Also no way that I can see to access programs or windows start menu.. Just a suggestion but it would be nice to add a short cut to either the objectmedia .exe or to the preferences so that they can pick which program it will use. ie (WMP, WINAMP,Cool player) To your DXplayer�
Comment #2 Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:19 PM
One thing i noticed maybe im mistaken but thats a theme from Gef just recolored "Moonlight" Gef's weather always says Valley, United kingdom. Thats all smooth but your fonts are very jagged.
You should give credits really.
Comment #3 Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:39 PM
One thing i noticed maybe im mistaken but thats a theme from Gef just recolored "Moonlight"

I don't think so.. Copied Gef's Idea maybe but the graphics look different.
Comment #4 Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:00 PM
One thing i noticed maybe im mistaken but thats a theme from Gef just recolored "Moonlight"[/quote]

My first post ever here and I'm not an artist -- there's no question "Royal Expression" and this theme is a copy of Gef's work; if changing colors and fonts are creativity, then what's the point? Especially when no credits have been offered. I would have thought 'the great one' would have inspired more creativity.

Comment #5 Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:58 PM
Gerry I I'm laughing so hard at what I think you wanted to say that I p--sed myself.
Comment #6 Friday, March 30, 2007 11:13 AM

the onlything i want is scripting for weather widget and it is not in desktopx default taking the scripting not mean that i take gef idea.
i am no where near gef h is a gifted desighner�
Comment #7 Friday, March 30, 2007 6:36 PM

Put the resolution size in the description for the 3rd time.
Comment #8 Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:28 PM
Not a very helpful designer it seems
Comment #9 Sunday, April 1, 2007 5:21 PM
I have tried to load it three times and I keep getting a runtime error. I don't get it with any other desktop themes....�
Comment #10 Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:14 PM
he only thing i want is scripting for weather widget and it is not in desktopx default taking the scripting not mean that i take gef idea.

You should still give credits, I've seen peoples work took off wincustomize for not. You should at least be honest at give praise to others for your "Work", don't just use other designers scripts & gear for your own usage without credit. I think thats very ignorant.
Comment #11 Monday, April 2, 2007 1:13 PM

you must be getting close to being good , because you're drawing the attention of a basher.

Every body who wants to incorporate functional bits in there themes winds up using available script . And there is also nothing wrong in wanting to emulate the "masters " of any art form.

I'm sure as you continue to make themes you not only will you get better at it you will also become more self sufficient.

Be that as it may just take a look at any of the gallery's relating to Desktopx Weather is gadgets objects or themes they all start with somebody's ideas first and the people improvise .

This person that is giving you a hard time is more concerned in feeling justified then any omission or incorporation of another's work you may have committed

Oh yea nice looking theme
Comment #12 Monday, April 2, 2007 6:12 PM
This person that is giving you a hard time is more concerned in feeling justified then any omission or incorporation of another's work you may have committed

Snarph....I aint bashing anyone, im mearly pointing out to give credits, everyone else has to and does without obligations, so why should Rediff not do it? Even the top designers give credits or permission rights, you don't just use other peoples stuff specially when it's used in public.

Also if you do a design for commercial use, you should at least follow up the problems that people are pointing out to you, there's a few people wanting to get this working properly, and sending feedback to him, but he will not send any back, Fairy asked him 3 times the same question, no answer, then runtime errors, why won't he help them out? Sick of people doing this.
Comment #13 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 2:07 AM
ok i got a problem which software run with this theme cuz when i download it it not working with any software that i got!
Comment #14 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 7:22 AM
i think you are new it runs with "stardock desktopx"download it and runs
@fairy:-i write comment in screenshot pw 1280**1024
Comment #15 Tuesday, April 3, 2007 8:03 PM
Well, I don't know if it is a copy or not, but I love the color and I wish this was in Vista, I would have it in a minute.
Great Job�
Comment #16 Wednesday, April 4, 2007 6:14 PM
rediffkhan, good too see you staying here and producing better and better work! You're a stronger, more considerate and polite person than I am. Thanks for surviving the "slings and arrows" of the illiterati, and showing us all how to rise above the b.s. I'm really interested in seeing your work progress. A "small" request if you ever feel so inclined: I really enjoy DX themes and widgets with "analog"-type guages, with clock-type hands, that are used to show things like CPU usage/average, RAM usage, and the like. My favorite is a Net Usage meter, showing Kb/sec Downlink and Kb/sec Uplink, as it's entertaining and informative to actually see the meters working, rather than just a histogram or bar-graph. Maybe sized at about 100 X 100 pixels or so. My 2 cents (do paise), for what it's worth...
Thanks! Keep on skinning! Inshallah
Comment #17 Wednesday, April 4, 2007 7:59 PM
illiterati ?? lol illiterate is what your looking for there is no such word as illiterati and for you to insinuate that i am who is throwing the arrows now? Like i said numerous times in my last comments, not very helpful with problems, or gives credits to other script writers and theme skinners, regardless of his religion. Ignorant !!
Comment #18 Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:11 AM
rediffkhan, good too see you staying here and producing better and better work! You're a stronger, more considerate and polite person than I am. Thanks for surviving the "slings and arrows" of the illiterati, and showing us all how to rise above the b.s. I'm really interested in seeing your work progress. A "small" request if you ever feel so inclined: I really enjoy DX themes and widgets with "analog"-type guages, with clock-type hands, that are used to show things like CPU usage/average, RAM usage, and the like. My favorite is a Net Usage meter, showing Kb/sec Downlink and Kb/sec Uplink, as it's entertaining and informative to actually see the meters working, rather than just a histogram or bar-graph. Maybe sized at about 100 X 100 pixels or so. My 2 cents (do paise), for what it's worth...
Thanks! Keep on skinning! Inshallah

@seldomseen:-yes my friend i will add in my next iam presently installed vista
so iam giving more time to me to understand
i am new at wincustomize so i will also manage he time to understand it

Comment #19 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:42 AM
Have a question please. With Desktop X, how do you configure to what you want on your desktop. Some of them, after right clicking, give an option, but many don't. Am I missing something, or should I stick with the windowblinds. Thanks
Comment #20 Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:11 AM
@pampkins:-desktop x is more customizable than windowblind .you customize simply switch to desktop buider.
it i simple to start desktop buider .right click on desktop x icon in system tray and switch to desktopbuider.
you easily configure than .
lastly:-it take some time to understan it

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