So... We're Moviing In A Few Weeks

... you know, packing stuff we'd forgot having.

Sunday, July 4, 2010 by starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Yeah, so here's the go!  My niece is a store manager for the Coles supermarket chain here in Oz and she's having to transfer to enhance her career opportunities, meaning that she needs to move house while somebody else moves in to keep an eye on the place.   That's where we come in... not that I had any plans to move again any time soon.  Thing is, it is a much bigger house than the one we're in, with more living area inside and out, and my niece needs a rent income coming in to help pay the mortgage and maintenance bills, etc.   That's alright... it's a 100 bucks a month cheaper than what we pay now, and it's convenient to shopping, everything we need.  The real bonus about all this is the fact that my niece will not be wanting to move back into this house, so we can pretty much stay there indefinitely... it's more an investment for her kids when they're adults than being the family home now.

Yup, really looking forward to it!  There's upstairs/downstairs, a covered entertainment areas outside, a huge double garage for added storage (we don't got cars), and this massive entertainment lounge downstairs WITH a TV/projector, wall-mounted screen and  hi-fi surround sound already installed.  Like WOW, we're picking up this $7,599 (original retail value) entertainment unit for just $800. Bargain!!!   Apart from the fact that my niece didn't pay full retail price, due to 10% staff discount during a store-wide sale, she just doesn't want to have to pony up to have it professionally removed and reinstalled at her new place,

The place is semi-furnished, also, so although we already have our own furniture, it is for a smaller place and we would have had to buy more to fill the place properly.  We'll have an additional lounge/sofa suite for downstairs entertainment area, an outdoor lounge setting for the massive back deck, an 8 piece dining setting and a large BBQ setting (table and chairs) for the covered outdoor area.  Oh, and the storage in this place is like WOW.  There are built-in cupboards and closets everywhere, so we don't need to buy any of those for when we get there.

We have another 5 weeks on our current lease, but we well start packing and moving our lesser needed stuff as of this week,... saves doing it all in a rush at the end.  Anyhow, we mightn't be around quite as much over the next few weeks, but don't worry, we're not gonna disappear any time soon... and nobody think about disappearing if'n when we're gone, ya hear??

Oh, Kitty, if you're reading this, we'll be a bit closer to you n' wulfee... at Brassall.

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Reply #1 Sunday, July 4, 2010 11:34 AM

Moving is a nightmare. Period. Best I can do is hope you wake up in the new place and don't remember a thing! 

Good Luck on the move!

Reply #2 Sunday, July 4, 2010 11:49 AM


this massive entertainment lounge downstairs WITH a TV/projector, wall-mounted screen and hi-fi surround sound already installed.
, an outdoor lounge setting for the massive back deck, an 8 piece dining setting and a large BBQ setting (table and chairs) for the covered outdoor area
It sounds like a really great place! I hope you have a guest room, your company may not want to leave.

*Wiz makes a mental note to start saving for airline tickets.

Best of luck with your.... err...umm....movement.

Reply #3 Sunday, July 4, 2010 12:08 PM

As is said, pictures are worth a thousands words. 

Some pic's of you current surrondings and then some of your new surronings, when you get there, would almost make us feel we made the move with you.

Oh, what about your cabbage garden?

Reply #4 Sunday, July 4, 2010 2:09 PM

Moving is a nightmare. Period.

Yeah, I know.  Apart from shifting once or twice (dozen) in the past, I used to do it for a living.  Thing is, people generally like to pack their own things, so it was mostly pick up and drop off when it was my job.   However, when it's your own move, it's all the packing, the picking up and dropping off, and unpacking... putting everything away AGAIN and getting rid of all the boxes/wrapping paper, etc. 

The good thing about it is that I have a few nephews who will do the heavy work, a sister and a couple of nieces who will help with the clean up here and settle in there, so we're not going to be alone with it.  So that's the next best thing to waking up in the new place and not remembering, I guess.

It sounds like a really great place! I hope you have a guest room, your company may not want to leave.

Actually, we will have a guest room... and a couple of additional sleeping areas, if and when required.

*Wiz makes a mental note to start saving for airline tickets.

Well yeah, if you ever made it over here you'd be most welcome... same with all our WC friends.

Oh, and thanks for the best of wishes.

As is said, pictures are worth a thousands words.

Some pic's of you current surrondings and then some of your new surronings, when you get there, would almost make us feel we made the move with you.

We'll see what we can do... pics of here and there... before and after.

Oh, what about your cabbage garden?

Yeah, now that's going to be a shock to the system!  Now that we're going up-market, a cabbage garden might be out of the question, not so much because of the garden itself... more the after effects.  There again, there's an auto shop just down the road... perhaps I could pick myself up a muffler.

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #5 Sunday, July 4, 2010 2:30 PM

I hope she's warned the neighbours about you

Reply #6 Sunday, July 4, 2010 2:51 PM

Would any amount of warning be adequate? Whoops...wrong game. Sorry.

Reply #7 Sunday, July 4, 2010 3:03 PM

Good Score!!!

I hate moving to. Seems one good things gotta break..... But this sounds like The One. Homey

Reply #8 Sunday, July 4, 2010 9:57 PM

Congrats on the new place although moving always find you have more stuff than you need.

Reply #9 Sunday, July 4, 2010 10:03 PM

very good score indeed starkers!! im officially jealous......hehehhe

Reply #10 Sunday, July 4, 2010 10:51 PM

Luck be with ye on yer move to the new home. Sounds like a goodun!!

Reply #11 Monday, July 5, 2010 2:07 AM

yep...definitely scored bigtime.....

I'd recommend some removalists to you....but they're a bit half-arsed....


Reply #12 Monday, July 5, 2010 7:36 AM

I hope she's warned the neighbours about you

No, as it happens.... but that's probably got something to do with a mass exodus reducing her property value.

Would any amount of warning be adequate?

Only if the neighbours have full Hazmat kits in a closet someplace?

Good Score!!!

I hate moving to. Seems one good things gotta break..... But this sounds like The One. Homey

I'm not too fussed on moving, either, but this place was too good to refuse

It's very homey in fact.. mightn't be a palace exactly, but it is very livable and a great place to entertain family and friends.

Congrats on the new place although moving always find you have more stuff than you need.

Thanks, CG. Yup, I've already found stuff I haven't seen in a while... and may never need... but if I offload it now, I'll be bound to find a use/need for it later on.  It's always the way, isn't it.

very good score indeed starkers!! im officially jealous......hehehhe

It's probably the best house I will have ever lived in.  I mean, the place we're in is alright, but it is rather compact, to say the least, and I've been feeling somewhat claustrophobic for quite a while now.  As for the entertainment system, yeah, it is a huge score and I'm totally wrapt.  The potential for this thing is fantastic... like it has a computer input as well, so it's not just TV, videos and music, it's PC games also... all on a 12' x 7'6" screen.  We'll be 1/2 an hour or more closer to you as well... just down the Warrego highway, take the Brassall exit and we're in Glenelg Drive.

I'd recommend some removalists to you....but they're a bit half-arsed....

Yeah, I worked for a Mickey Mouse outfit like that for a while... stuck it out for a few months cos I needed the work/money, but then I was assaulted by somebody I worked with over a pay discrepancy.  Instead of taking it up with the employer, he took out his grievance on me... then the employer stabbed me in the back by giving the mongrel my position while I was in hospital.  I fixed him though... discovered he hadn't paid my tax or super, so I put him in to the ATO and such.  He ended up doing 12 years for tax fraud and superannuation embezzlement.

Needless to say, that's one less Mickey Mouse outfit, but sadly there's still too many of them out there... which is why I'll do my own removal, with the help of my nephews.  I know then that the job will be done properly, and with care..




Reply #13 Monday, July 5, 2010 7:49 AM

sounds good and sounds as though you're excited as well. good for ya mate, remember to hook-up the internet first thing and get back to us.

Reply #14 Monday, July 5, 2010 8:16 AM

I think you deserve some real comfort and some nifty pluses, old friend. I'm genuinely happy for you and Shaunna....hope you find some real joy there.

Oh yes...I like a king sized bed in that 'guest'/retirement room you've got planned for me. A nice view and a prawn on the barbie wouldn't hurt either.... 

LOL @ Syd's moving van!

Reply #15 Monday, July 5, 2010 8:50 AM

Best to you and the family on the move.

Just make sure you have your priorities in order and make a list of things to be done. Never mind the cleaning, washing windows and just start your list here.


1. After we move in don't go to the bath room, eat, get a drink, etc.  So now you know what is #1. Set up computer, get hooked up on the Internet and say hi to our friends. Now get skinning.

Reply #16 Monday, July 5, 2010 10:07 AM

sounds good and sounds as though you're excited as well. good for ya mate, remember to hook-up the internet first thing and get back to us.

Oh yeah, I'm excited orright.  Like I mentioned before, I've been feeling a bit claustrophobic here... and even better, the new place will be much cooler in Summer, warmer in Winter for us, so we're likely to spend less on cooling and/or heating.  Our current house is in a gully and set on a concrete slab, so it retains the heat too much during Summer (particularly in my study area) and is colder in Winter. 

The new place takes better advantage of summer breezes, being high set and on a hill, and that suits me just fine because I don't cope at all well with high temperatures.  In fact, I'd rather it remained at a maximum of 20C all year. Anyway, the lower level is quite cool in Summer, even without air-con, so that's where the study and main entertainment area will be. However, air-con is available throughout the upper level, so our more formal entertaining and dining will be more comfortable if temps soar.  Oh yeah, there's a kitchenette downstairs as well, so we can make tea, coffee and cook less formal meals down there... saves having to trapse upstairs if we're doing stuff below.

I think you deserve some real comfort and some nifty pluses, old friend. I'm genuinely happy for you and Shaunna....hope you find some real joy there.

Thanks for those nice thoughts, Doc, they're much appreciated.

Oh yes...I like a king sized bed in that 'guest'/retirement room you've got planned for me.

Um, the place is bigger orright... but king-sized beds are not an option.  The bedrooms are not huge, like.  The master bedroom has room for a queen-sized bed plus regular bedroom suite and the 2 regular bedrooms have room for a single bed and standard bedroom furniture.  Oh, no need for closets... those are built in.

A nice view and a prawn on the barbie wouldn't hurt either....

A nice view we can accommodate!  There's a beauty from the back deck... a natural one of the bush and mountains off in the distance.

As for the prawn on the barbie... sure can do.  In fact, this place is set up perfectly for outdoor entertaining, so BBQ's will be a regular feature at our place... and maybe... hopefully, we'll see more of Kitty and Wulfie now that we're going to be even closer/more conveniently placed in relation to them.

Best to you and the family on the move.

Just make sure you have your priorities in order and make a list of things to be done. Never mind the cleaning, washing windows and just start your list here.

1. After we move in don't go to the bath room, eat, get a drink, etc. So now you know what is #1. Set up computer, get hooked up on the Internet and say hi to our friends. Now get skinning.

Hey Dave, and thanks.   Yup, the internet will be up and running the day we move in.  I'm just relocating with our current ISP, so I'll set it up with them to commence there the day we actually take up residence officially to save too much down time.  It may mean it's off here for a few days, but that's not so bad because we'll be spending less time here by then anyway. Though our lease there starts August 18, we will pretty much be up there full time during the previous week setting everything up.


Reply #17 Monday, July 5, 2010 10:20 AM

LOL @ Syd's moving van!

I hope we don't have a moving van like that  I want my laptop and pc in one piece thanks lol

Reply #18 Monday, July 5, 2010 11:48 AM

mrs starkers
LOL @ Syd's moving van!

I hope we don't have a moving van like that  I want my laptop and pc in one piece thanks lol

That's the only moving van we could chip in for. Better send you computer stuff UPS.


Reply #19 Monday, July 5, 2010 12:17 PM

*Wiz makes a mental note to start saving for airline tickets.

Uh oh.

Best of luck with your.... err...umm....movement.

Turned into one of 'those' threads  =fast!


Better send you computer stuff UPS.

You mean OPS (Oz Parcel Service) I believe.


Thanks for those nice thoughts, Doc, they're much appreciated.

Always, mate!


Wait just one minute! Shaunna! THIS is your new back yard! starkers you evil bastage! NOW I see what yer up to!!!!  I'm on my way! Get the room ready!!!!

Reply #20 Monday, July 5, 2010 1:28 PM

That's the only moving van we could chip in for.

And if somebody else can chip in for the back half... uh, we might be in business.

Better send you computer stuff UPS.

Hmmm, and if any arrives broken Ill BE UPS (Utterly Pissed Sender)

Best of luck with your.... err...umm....movement.

Turned into one of 'those' threads =fast!

Yeah, I was thinking that.  I mean, now that we're a bit more up-market, we can't afford to be associated with toilet humour or potty mouths.  I just don't want the neighbours talking... thinking we're uncouth because they've heard something.  I'm even going to cut down my curried cabbage intake significantly... to ensure they don't hear anything, at least from that department, anyway.

My niece did warn us about the neighbour on the downside, however.   Apparently he'd be on the doorstep at with a case of beer most days if we let him.  When she and her hubby first moved there it was a regular thing as soon as she stepped out to go to work... until she put her foot down, that is.  Yeah she came home early one day to find that hubby and this other bloke had polished of 3 cases of beer and were passed out in the lounge-room with empties and rubbish piled up all around them.  That won't be a concern for us, however.  I'll quickly give him a polite "bugger off" if he thinks I'll come into that caper.  Besides, I'll only have a shandy or two now and then, and Shaunna doesn't drink except on special occasions (weddings and the like).

The people on the up side of us are elderly and my niece says that they are great neighbours.. like keeping an eye on the place, collecting the mail and putting out the bins if we happen to be away.  Yeah, stuff like that.   The old bloke hasn't been too well and can't mow his lawns anymore, so I offered to pop over and do them for him when I do ours... it'd only take me 20 mins or so, so why the heck not, me thinks.

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